
Three people sit around a bible, hands clasped in prayer

Daily prayers renew the soul

Prayers Through the Ages is a resource of the diocese’s Season of Spiritual Renewal initiative. The daily prayers, printed here, can be used by individuals ...
Cover of the Prayers Through the Ages booklet

New resource helps refresh spiritual life

A collection of simple prayers is helping to renew the spiritual lives of Anglicans in the diocese. The 31 prayers – one for each day ...
David Krol hiking on a road in the Spanish countryside.

Feeling God’s goodness on the Camino

At the end of Day 1 on the Camino de Santiago, I sent home a selfie with this caption: “Don’t believe the smiles. I don’t ...
Lise Hewak and Janice Douglas at Holy Sepulchre.

UK choral course a dream come true

My friend Lise and I sang together in our high school madrigal choir in London, Ont., but neither of us had been to London, England ...
The first issue of The Anglican in 1958 includes a drawing of the Synod Office on its front page.

The Archives from A-Z

In April, the diocesan Archives joined the Archives of Ontario in its #ArchivesAtoZ campaign, with the aim of increasing the public’s awareness of archives and ...
The catcher, with a shirt saying "Sponsored by God," framed by the baseball diamond's chain link fence.

Summer Classic

Six teams play in the 62nd annual SAYM (Scarborough Anglican Youth Movement) baseball finals in Ajax on Sept. 9. The teams came from Holy Trinity, ...
A member of the Common Table farm holds up beets harvested from the farm.

Farm feeds neighbours

Residents of the Flemingdon Park neighbourhood welcomed another season of free, locally grown produce from the Common Table Farm this year. The farm, a project ...
People push large carts with supplies across Bloor Street West in downtown Toronto.

Carts connect with homeless

Along busy Bloor Street West and through the upscale streets of Yorkville, two industrial tool carts loaded with food and supplies are bringing hope and ...
A group photo of dozens of young people sitting and standing in front of a church. Text says "Toronto A.Y.P.A. Diocesan Conference, Orillia, Ontario, 1957."

How to care for parish records

As part of its mandate, the Diocese of Toronto Archives collects and makes accessible the records of the parishes in the diocese. These records must ...

We are called to share in God’s joy

The FaithWorks theme for 2023 is a quote from The Book of Joy, co-authored by Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama. Archbishop Tutu says, ...
The Dome of the Rock mosque.

Marveling at the ground on which we stood

“Welcome home to Jerusalem” is the phrase I did not get tired of hearing, nor did our guide get tired of saying, on our eight-day ...
A group photo of twenty-some people wearing medallions and the bishop, at the front of St. James Cathedral.

Laity receive Order of the Diocese of Toronto

The Order of the Diocese of Toronto, an award created in 2013, honours members of the laity in the diocese who have given outstanding service ...
A deacon stands in the centre aisle of a church and reads from a book while the congregation looks on.

Synod 2022

The Diocese of Toronto’s 161st Regular Session of Synod was held Nov. 17-19, 2022. The opening service, including the Bishop’s Charge, was held in-person and ...
Bishop Andrew Asbil speaking.

It is important for us to immerse ourselves in this new place

O God, take our lips and speak through them. Take our minds and think through them. Take our hearts and fill them with love for ...
A group of pilgrims smile and pose for a photo together.

The challenge of pilgrimage

Stepping onto the Camino is like stepping into a mighty river bent for the ocean.  Once on this path, one is carried along by a ...
A man wearing latex gloves handles pages of an old parish register.

Archives restores fragile registers

From 1986 until 1994, the Diocese of Toronto’s Archives had a conservation program in place wherein short-term contracted conservators carried out treatments on various registers, ...
A group of bishops in purple cassocks with some spouses stand outside Canterbury Catherdal

‘It is a privilege and honour to attend’

Bishops Andrew Asbil, Riscylla Shaw and Kevin Robertson of the Diocese of Toronto shared their thoughts on the 15th Lambeth Conference during an online conversation ...

‘She loved this country’

A national memorial service in commemoration of Queen Elizabeth II was held at St. James Cathedral in Toronto on Sept. 20. The service was preceded ...
Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip greet people outside with crowds looking on

Royal visit

The Queen and Prince Philip attended a service at St. James Cathedral during their visit to Toronto in 2010. After the service, the Queen rededicated ...
A group of people stands in front of a train waiting to board

PWRDF mounts diverse response

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on Feb. 24, more than 6.5 million Ukrainians have been forced to leave their homes and find safety ...
A large group of clergy and lay people stand outside the church.

Perseverance pays off for new church

During the midst of the pandemic, when things looked bleak, a new church in the diocese was born. The Church of the Holy Wisdom came ...
Jamie Richards in the garden.

I was a stranger and you welcomed me

In March 2020, when businesses were shutting down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jamie Richards went into his greenhouse to pray. Mr. Richards, who runs ...
Ornate silver stand with inscriptions

The Archives from A to Z

In April, the diocesan Archives joined the Archives of Ontario in its #ArchivesAtoZ campaign, with the aim of increasing the public’s awareness of archives and ...
A page sitting in a typewriter with the typed word "fiction."

Stories show quirks of Anglican life

Churchgoers in the Diocese of Toronto and beyond may get a glimpse of themselves in the fictional people and parishes being written about by a ...
Mr Krol walking along a gravel road that runs strait to a flat horizon

Going on a pilgrimage

Whether from the confines of COVID-19, the ashes of grief or depression, or simply the occasional aridity of ordinariness, pilgrimage beckons. The open road calls. ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

Stories praise God

A new book, Praise from the People of St. Paul’s on-the-Hill, brings together 27 stories from the parishioners of St. Paul on-the-Hill, Pickering. Several stories ...
St. Davids Cathedral

Seeking the little things on the Way of St. David

Some years ago, a dear friend introduced me to the New Year tradition of choosing words to live by for the year to come. In ...
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