
The Anglican

The Queen and duty

“I promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and the Queen, to keep the law of the wolf cub pack and ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Time to make social assistance a real lifeline

With inflation at the highest rates seen in decades, the cost of living is on everyone’s mind these days. There is probably no one in ...
The Anglican

Dear reader

This fall marks another stage in the life of The Anglican, the diocese’s monthly newspaper. In October, the paper joined Anglican News Canada, a ministry ...
The Anglican

Ecumenism and interfaith ministry: what’s the difference?

Over the last year as I have talked with many different Anglicans, a question continues to be asked: what is the relationship between ecumenism and ...
The Rev. Canon Martha Tatarnic with her new book

Is worshipping together important?

Recently at St. Olave, Swansea, the Rev. Dr. PJ Carefoote, our honorary assistant, presented a series on the history of the Church in Toronto. I ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Finding a way to talk about hope

The beginning of September doesn’t have any particular liturgical significance, but there are few sectors of society in which it doesn’t mark a cyclical change ...
A group of people stand aboard a ship.

Simply put, it makes me happy

Jill Wyllie volunteers as a ship visitor for the Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario, which has mission stations in the ports of Oshawa, Toronto and ...
A bitter melon rests in someone's hand.

The joy of bitter melon

As I reflect on this season at the Common Table Farm, the word that comes to mind is challenge. This summer has been a challenge ...
A bed of kale in a garden.

Why are so many people hungry?

Abundance is central to the gospel promise. God wants everyone to “have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). The prophet Isaiah exhorts ...
A religious icon of mother and child in gold and red.

The call of the silent retreat

Finding our inner calm and peace can be difficult in this world that is so full of noise, distractions, unrest and violence. We live in ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Seeing God amidst the bleakness

Are we entering an age of discouragement?  The evidence is compelling. A Statcan poll showed that the percentage of Canadians who viewed the future optimistically ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Why give? Here’s what the Bible says

Our understanding of stewardship as a way of life is based in scripture. The first chapter of Genesis tells us that God created all things ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Who do we say that we are?

Years later, the episode still disturbs me. A few years ago, I took part in a community choir led by a man I’ll call Ben. ...
A container ship

Seafarers in a time of war

Wars, it would seem, have their own set of rules. Which rules, and how they are followed, depend entirely on the side one finds oneself ...
A sign points the way to a polling place.

An opportunity to vote with our values

On June 2, Ontarians go to the polls to choose the next provincial government. As Canadians, the right to vote is an integral part of ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

A church of simplicity and service

It has been widely reported that the Anglican Church of Canada will be gone by 2040. Given the change in demographics, the aging of our ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Resilience and hope in perilous times

God is good! I went to Prince Albert, Saskatchewan for the first time in October 2021, to witness the ordination of deacons. One of the ...
A pair of hands holds a mound of soil with a green sprout.

The master gardener can show the way

Spring is a time of rebirth, renewed vitality and hope reborn, especially for the gardeners amongst us. Nothing can revive one’s spirit more than seeing ...
Photo of a number of arriving refugees

Observe Refugee Sunday and save lives

War. Environmental crisis. Famine. Injustice. Racism. Xenophobia. These are some of the factors that lead to human migration and cause individuals and families to seek ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Ensuring safe space for all

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your ...

Eldercare a priority for ecclesiastical province this year

The Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario settled into the virtual work world as the pandemic set in for the long haul. A quick but not-so-easy pivot ...
Sarah Mair

God was calling me to go deeper with Him

Sarah Mair is an area youth coordinator for York-Scarborough and the youth ministry director for St. Paul, L’Amoreaux. My responsibilities include organizing networking opportunities for ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Seven good ideas from the secular fundraising world

I’ve long taken exception to secular fundraising’s dependency on the promotion of “benefits” or “membership” to encourage giving. There is almost no emphasis on altruism ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Life not easy for international students

Most people aren’t aware that there are roughly 100,000 international students in Ontario universities, and approximately the same number in the province’s colleges, according to ...
A number of memorial tiles

A heavy burden of grief and loss

“And Jesus said to them, ‘Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his ...
The Anglican

Building a healthier, more resilient Ontario

This is a summary of “Putting Ontario on the Road to Recovery,” the provincial pre-budget submission from Bishop Asbil and the Social Justice & Advocacy ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Listening for the voice of vocation

Vocations: it was a key word during my Roman Catholic childhood. We were exhorted to “pray for vocations,” that is, to pray that young men ...
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