Saints past and present can inspire us
Who are the saints for us today? Can they inspire us? A saint, based on the Latin word for “holy,” is a person recognized for
Who are the saints for us today? Can they inspire us? A saint, based on the Latin word for “holy,” is a person recognized for
The practice of making New Year’s resolutions is anything but recent. In fact, it goes back over 3,000 years to the ancient Babylonians, who set
It’s easy to become distracted by the conventional elements that mark the Christmas season, such as family gatherings, preparing meals and buying and receiving presents.
Weaving together scripture, theological analysis, discussion and prayer, a workshop at the outreach conference asked a bold question: what if the Church took the climate
More than 100 Anglicans from across the diocese gathered online on Oct. 26 to learn more effective ways to work for justice alongside disadvantaged people.
It may have passed us recently in terms of the church calendar, but it’s still worth recalling and dwelling on the incredible power and potential
“I’m not used to this level of hatred.” The newspaper headline still haunts me, months after the fact. It referred to an episode early this
“Those were the days,” said my friend John wistfully. “We could line up a meeting with a cabinet minister with a phone call and know
It had been an inspiring morning, pitching in with other volunteers to do odd jobs completing a community centre at a new housing project for
We live in a world fractured by deep divisions involving wealth, race, political views, cultural values and, all too often, religious divisions. What can we
About 100 Anglicans from across the diocese, and even Atlantic Canada, gathered online Oct. 28 for the annual Outreach & Advocacy Conference, exploring the theme
“Earth is telling us a terrifying story.” Acclaimed science journalist, author and playwright Alanna Mitchell pulled no punches as she spelled out the impact of
“Now is the winter of our discontent,” wrote William Shakespeare in the famous opening line of his play, Richard III. He could just as well
As soon as I see a new issue of Sojourners in my mailbox, my heart leaps. It’s an award-winning Christian magazine from the U.S., full
The silvery sheen is long gone, replaced by innumerable scratches and a dull finish, bearing the marks of decades of use. No matter. My late
Our lives are torn with grief over the deaths that come to us on life’s journey. And as we age, there are more loved ones
The massive highway sign hammered home the issue for me: TEXT STOP AHEAD. That’s right: barrelling along the U.S. interstate en route to visit friends
On the surface of it, they were most definitely a motley crew: fishermen struggling to make ends meet in the face of an economic and
A workshop at the Outreach and Advocacy Conference led by Shelagh McGlynn, youth animator for the Anglican Church of Canada, flipped on its head the
Nearly 100 Anglicans from across the diocese, as well as a few from as far as British Columbia, learned and shared ideas on how to
“We’re not speaking the language of the younger generation.” Archbishop Ted Scott’s comment continues to percolate through my mind more than 35 years after he
Church of the Redeemer, Bloor St. tackled the climate crisis head-on through a two-part worship, education and action series in early October, involving both in-person
Abundance is central to the gospel promise. God wants everyone to “have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10). The prophet Isaiah exhorts
Are we entering an age of discouragement? The evidence is compelling. A Statcan poll showed that the percentage of Canadians who viewed the future optimistically
Years later, the episode still disturbs me. A few years ago, I took part in a community choir led by a man I’ll call Ben.
Spring is a time of rebirth, renewed vitality and hope reborn, especially for the gardeners amongst us. Nothing can revive one’s spirit more than seeing
Vocations: it was a key word during my Roman Catholic childhood. We were exhorted to “pray for vocations,” that is, to pray that young men
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Anglican News Canada is a ministry of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada
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