March 2025

A map of Canada outlining the Anglican diocesan borders

Clothesline helps people in winter

ST. ANDREWS – For the last few winters, Paula Ross has been taking blankets to the homeless population in Saint John, New Brunswick. But the ...
A map of Canada outlining the Anglican diocesan borders

City honours Anglican ministry

OTTAWA – Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe proclaimed November 2024 Belong Ottawa Month, honouring the Anglican ministry that has provided decades of care and service to ...
A map of Canada outlining the Anglican diocesan borders

Cathedral begins to reinvent itself

LONDON, ONT. – A new year is bringing a new look for London’s historic St. Paul’s Cathedral. Construction crews removed more than 250 wooden pews ...
A map of Canada outlining the Anglican diocesan borders

Sunday suppers fill local need

BROCKVILLE – At a time of growing food insecurity, Brockville churches continue to work together to make the Lord’s Day one of food and fellowship. ...
A graphic of a clock.

AURA seeks board members

AURA, the Anglican United Refugee Alliance, is looking for new board members for 2025-2027. AURA is a Canadian charitable organization assisting in the private sponsorship ...
A graphic of a clock.

Consider donating rebates, says diocese

The Ontario government is in the process of distributing $200 rebates to every Ontario taxpayer and $200 for every child in eligible families, describing the ...
A graphic of a clock.

Diocese hires new secretary of Synod

Canon Laura Walton is the diocese’s new secretary of Synod, providing corporate governance and event planning expertise for the diocese, Synod and its committees. She ...
A graphic of a clock.

Cathedral hosts Bob Marley Mass

A new Bob Marley Mass, composed by the Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Fields, vicar of St. James Cathedral, will be celebrated on March 16 at ...
Bishop Andrew Asbil's crozier and mitre sit on a table.

Bishop plans sabbath leave

With the concurrence of the diocese’s chancellor, Bishop Andrew Asbil will be taking a sabbath leave from May 5 to Sept. 2. This is Bishop ...
Christian leaders from the GTA pose for a group photo.

Christian Unity

Christian leaders from the Anglican Church, the Roman Catholic Church, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, the Salvation Army, the Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Greek Orthodox ...
People playing cricket.

Cricket festival turning 10

On July 12, the Anglican Church Cricket Festival (ACCF) will mark a major milestone as it celebrates its 10th anniversary at Creditview Sandalwood Park in ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Giving in the Church is changing

It’s easier than ever to give. When I came to the Diocese of Toronto in 2003, the most common way to give was by cheque. ...
A fisherman casting a net at sea while two people watch from shore.

Have your say!

Our diocese is vibrant and diverse – 195 parishes, each with unique gifts, needs, communities and ideas for growth and ministry. Over the past two ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Doubt can lead to action

“Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.” This is the prayer Mother Teresa spoke during her 50-year period of dryness with God, a dryness that ...
Three icons on a table.

I am now a free person

My decision to participate in the Companions Program run by the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine has been the best thing I could have ...

Eight minutes

Ontario is in the midst of a deadly overdose crisis, which claims an average of seven lives every day. The accounts that follow were written ...
Season of Spiritual Renewal logo

Wonderful worship a sign and symptom of renewal

The scriptures teach that there are few things as wonderful as people gathering for vibrant and passionate worship of God. Such stories are peppered throughout ...
Lift Up Our Hearts

Large services seek to lift up hearts

Feeling a bit overwhelmed by things? Looking to refresh your spiritual life? If so, consider going to one – or both – of the two ...
Homes made from tarps and tents in a downtown park.

The choice is before us

This article has been adapted from the diocese’s pre-budget submission to the Ontario government. The provincial election was called before the submission could be sent, ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Perhaps we have a worldview problem

As Christians deeply concerned about the climate crisis that we as a human species have created, members of the Bishop’s Committee on Creation Care want ...
Workers amid the crops at the Common Table farm.

The roots of sustainability run deep

Perhaps it’s midday as you read this – so I’ll ask you: Have you had lunch? It’s a question my colleague Anélia often asks me ...
David Howells and Lucy Reid hold hands, each in their own kayak.

Journeying with memory loss

According to Baycrest Health Sciences in Toronto, around half a million Canadians aged 65 and over have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Ten to 20 per ...
A piece of paper with the start of a letter.

It is wrong

One hundred and sixty faith leaders, including bishops Andrew Asbil, Riscylla Shaw and Kevin Robertson, sent this letter to Premier Doug Ford in January, urging ...
Headshots of Bishop Riscylla Shaw, Bishop Andrew Asbil and Bishop Kevin Robertson.

Be renewed in the Spirit

This is the College of Bishops’ pastoral letter to vestries, to be read or circulated on the Sunday of the parish’s annual vestry meeting.   ...
Small plant shoots emerging from soil.

New fund helps churches try new things

The Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation is launching a new fund that its board hopes will encourage parishes to try new things and take a ...
Janice Hodgson

ACW’s new president brings enthusiasm

After completing her treatment for breast cancer, Janice Hodgson, ODT, decided to walk. “As far as I was concerned, I was full of toxins, so ...

FaithWorks campaign tops goal

Despite a mail strike before Christmas, the diocese’s 2024 FaithWorks campaign not only met its goal but surpassed it, raising $1.55 million for people in ...
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