
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Giving in the Church is changing

It’s easier than ever to give. When I came to the Diocese of Toronto in 2003, the most common way to give was by cheque. ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Doubt can lead to action

“Lord, I believe – help my unbelief.” This is the prayer Mother Teresa spoke during her 50-year period of dryness with God, a dryness that ...
Three icons on a table.

I am now a free person

My decision to participate in the Companions Program run by the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine has been the best thing I could have ...
Season of Spiritual Renewal logo

Wonderful worship a sign and symptom of renewal

The scriptures teach that there are few things as wonderful as people gathering for vibrant and passionate worship of God. Such stories are peppered throughout ...
Homes made from tarps and tents in a downtown park.

The choice is before us

This article has been adapted from the diocese’s pre-budget submission to the Ontario government. The provincial election was called before the submission could be sent, ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Perhaps we have a worldview problem

As Christians deeply concerned about the climate crisis that we as a human species have created, members of the Bishop’s Committee on Creation Care want ...
Workers amid the crops at the Common Table farm.

The roots of sustainability run deep

Perhaps it’s midday as you read this – so I’ll ask you: Have you had lunch? It’s a question my colleague Anélia often asks me ...
David Howells and Lucy Reid hold hands, each in their own kayak.

Journeying with memory loss

According to Baycrest Health Sciences in Toronto, around half a million Canadians aged 65 and over have mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Ten to 20 per ...
A piece of paper with the start of a letter.

It is wrong

One hundred and sixty faith leaders, including bishops Andrew Asbil, Riscylla Shaw and Kevin Robertson, sent this letter to Premier Doug Ford in January, urging ...
Headshots of Bishop Riscylla Shaw, Bishop Andrew Asbil and Bishop Kevin Robertson.

Be renewed in the Spirit

This is the College of Bishops’ pastoral letter to vestries, to be read or circulated on the Sunday of the parish’s annual vestry meeting.   ...
Cover art from Rags of Light.

Book explores Cohen’s spiritual landscape

The Anglican’s Stuart Mann recently interviewed Brian Walsh about his latest book, Rags of Light: Leonard Cohen and the Landscape of Biblical Imagination. Mr. Walsh ...
Drummers perform at St. James Cathedral.

The journey has been deeply rewarding

As we approach the 30th anniversary of the first Black history service in our diocese, to be celebrated on Sunday, Feb. 23 at St. James ...
Stained glass window of Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Rev. Florence Li Tim-Oi.

Saints past and present can inspire us

Who are the saints for us today? Can they inspire us? A saint, based on the Latin word for “holy,” is a person recognized for ...
Six women stand behind a table covered with gift bags.

Our volunteers are our heroes

Volunteering is an integral part of Canadian culture. Approximately 41 per cent of all Canadians formally volunteer their time with one organization or another. The ...
An illustration of a brick building.

Renovations to Sisterhood’s guest house hit bump

In August, we were thrilled to announce that we had met our goal of $6.3 million for the renewal of our guest house, having raised ...
A snowy path with ice-covered trees on each side.

Commit to being a star this year

The beginning of the season of Epiphany is a signal for many families that it is time to take down the Christmas tree. I am ...
A headband with stars that read "happy new year" on springs.

A new year offers new beginnings

The practice of making New Year’s resolutions is anything but recent. In fact, it goes back over 3,000 years to the ancient Babylonians, who set ...
A person walks outside a supervised consumption site in Toronto.

Vestry motion supports harm reduction services

On Oct. 1, 2018, a group of activists, front-line workers and church members placed 1,265 wooden crosses on the lawn in front of the provincial ...
A statue in a park of a man, with the tents of a homeless encampment behind him.

There is nowhere to go

This column will be published in January, but as I write, it is just about one year since the City of Toronto partially evicted the ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

When joy and hope are in short supply

It’s easy to become distracted by the conventional elements that mark the Christmas season, such as family gatherings, preparing meals and buying and receiving presents. ...
Group of children and young people gather around an Advent wreath. One holds a candle lighter to light a candle.

Jesus, the Perfect Gift

It’s always hard for me to find just the right Christmas card. As I search, sometimes I like a particular image on the cover, but ...

God’s unconditional love at Sherbourne and Dundas

This past summer, I had the opportunity of joining members of the FaithWorks allocations committee to tour the facilities at All Saints Church-Community Centre at ...
People gathered around a wheelbarrow at Common Table Farm.

Flourishing in the midst of crop failure

I’ve just wrapped up my fifth season farming at Common Table Farm. Each growing season has been entirely different, with its particular mix of joys ...
Bishop Andrew Asbil speaks from a lectern, with other faith leaders around him.

Without these sites, thousands of people will die

The following letter was signed by more than 30 faith leaders in Ontario, including Bishop Andrew Asbil of the Diocese of Toronto and Bishop Susan ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Overdose prevention sites save lives

For the past six years, the Kensington Market Overdose Prevention Site has operated just around the corner from St. Stephen in-the-Fields church in Toronto. It ...
A dog being caressed

Anglican priest helped creatures great and small

As I approached St. Peter’s Anglican Church, I automatically looked down so that I wouldn’t miss the step up into the vestibule. To my surprise, ...
A group of teens sits in a group holding bibles.

‘Bring the little children unto me’

I have been blessed in my ministry to have many opportunities to share Jesus’ faith with children and youth. This is only thanks to the ...
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