I jumped at the chance

Enloe Wilson is the manager of Faith and Community Development for Habitat for Humanity Greater Toronto Area. I am the relationship manager of our organization’s

Bishop Claude Berkley and his wife Dawn

A night for the West Indies

By Elsa Jones A number of years ago, the late bishops Arthur Brown and Basil Tonks, along with a number of other dedicated and enthusiastic

Synod 2015

The diocese’s 156th regular session of Synod was held Nov. 13-14 at the Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel & Suites in Richmond Hill. The theme

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I re-examined where I was going

Molly Finlay is a full-time student in the Master of Divinity program at Wycliffe College, Toronto. I am currently doing a placement at the new

A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Lessons learned on the missional journey

By the Rev. Ruthanne Ward and the Rev. Riscylla Walsh Shaw We undertook a survey of our congregation at Christ Church, Bolton, that yielded transformational

The Anglican

Helping refugees transforms us

The first time I heard Jesus called a refugee, I was surprised and wanted to protest – until I remembered that they were right. Jesus

Laura Walton and Jean Bedard

My faith journey has been challenging

Laura Walton, a member of Christ Church, Batteau in the episcopal area of York-Simcoe, was recently elected prolocutor of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario, which

Clergy, choir and people stand outside the Diocesan Centre.

Prayers for victims in China

After a series of chemical explosions rocked three cities in China in August, killing hundreds of people and injuring many more, the Mandarin Fellowship of

People march down a street holding a banner.

We are at a critical turning point

Elin Goulden is the Parish Outreach Facilitator for the episcopal area of York-Credit Valley. I serve as a liason between the diocese and York-Credit Valley

A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Moved by deacons’ stories

Will the real clergy please stand up? When we think about clergy, the image that first comes to mind is a priest, particularly the full-time,

Garry Glowacki outside the Bridge prison ministry.

I begged God to help me

Garry Glowacki is the executive director of The Bridge, a prison ministry in Brampton that serves the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. We provide unique,

Four people on the church steps of St. Margaret, New Toronto.

Stewardship program bearing fruit

A resource created by the diocese to help parishes with stewardship is showing significant results after only two years. Of the 16 parishes that took

Group of young people pose for a photo.

I see blessings at every step

Matthew Li is the Wasa-Nabin Urban Aboriginal Youth Program Worker at the Timmins Native Friendship Centre’s satellite site in Moosonee. He is the son of

Group of young people at tables around a room.

Ministry is a commitment to God

Constance Kendall is the program director at the Downsview Youth Covenant and the lay pastoral minister and youth director at St. Stephen, Downsview. The Downsview

A map pointer with the image of a church

Pilgrim course nurtures disciples

The parishioners of St. John, East Orangeville, had been searching for several months for something that would bring us together, beyond our usual Sunday morning

A map pointer with the image of a church

Organist defined music at St. Clement’s

Thomas Fitches, the immensely talented and faithful organist and choirmaster at St. Clement, Eglinton for more than four decades, is apparently retiring in April –

Sisters in blue habits wave and smile for the camera.

I believe we do wonderful work

Sister Elizabeth Rolfe-Thomas will be installed as the next Reverend Mother of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine (SSJD) on May 6 at St.

Two women with candles stand next to the Toronto Homeless Memorial.

Invest in human dignity

Archbishop Colin Johnson and the diocese’s Poverty Reduction Subcommittee submitted a written brief to the Ontario government’s pre-budget consultations, outlining key social investments they hope

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I enjoy inviting people to explore

John Sundara is in his second year of the Master of Divinity program in the Pioneer track, specializing in fresh expressions of church, at Wycliffe

Mia Biondi.

I can’t believe how fortunate I am

Mia Biondi, a registered nurse, is the coordinator of the PROS program (Providing Resources, Offering Support) at All Saints Church, Sherbourne Street in Toronto. PROS

A map pointer with the image of a church

Church takes journey of transformation

St. Margaret of Scotland, Barrie, has been involved in the diocese’s T.R.E.C. program (Transforming, Reflecting on, Engaging by, Carry on). This program helps parishes learn

The Anglican

The Eucharist transforms my life

One morning in August, I realized, with great pleasure, that I could lift and carry a glass of orange juice from point A to point

A map pointer with the image of a church

Churches worship, plan together

As the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity approaches, some congregations are finding that worshipping with others of different denominations can be an enriching experience,

Bishop Poole preaching from the pulpit of Washington National Cathedral.

Bishop preaches in Washington

Bishop Philip Poole, the area bishop of York-Credit Valley, was given a rare honour – to preach at the Remembrance Sunday service at Washington National

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