Social Justice and Advocacy

hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

A budget for the people

This is the executive summary of “A Budget for the People,” a brief submitted to the Provincial Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs by ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Stand in solidarity with those living in poverty

“Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I therefore command you, Open your hand to the poor and needy ...
A man speaks into a microphone.

Go beyond charity, says speaker

Progressing from personal acts of charitableness to working for systemic justice was the topic of the keynote address at “Transformed Hearts, Transforming Structure,” the diocese’s ...

Remember our Christian values

Ontarians will be going to the polls on June 7 to choose who will represent us at Queen’s Park for the next four years. Not ...
A group of people gathered around a performance in Trinity Square.

Actors lament plight of homeless outside church

Holy Trinity, Trinity Square’s monthly observance for Toronto’s homeless on Feb. 13 included a novel component: a performance based on Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear. The ...
The Rev. Andrea Budgey dressed up as Effie Trinket flanked by Hunger Games-style peacekeepers.

Skit highlights meager funds for needy

Effie Trinket, the shallow character from the popular movie The Hunger Games, came to Toronto’s City Hall on Jan. 10 for a “reaping” –  choosing ...
Dr. Carl James speaks from the front of the room.

Conference urges justice, equity for all

Participants at the diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference heard a powerful call to work for equity in the Church and society, and grappled with ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Vestry motion informs and advocates

Most Christians would agree that we are called to care for the vulnerable in our midst. Whether directly through food banks, Out of the Cold, ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Conference seeks to break down barriers

The diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference will take place on Nov. 4 at St. John, York Mills, 19 Don Ridge Dr., Toronto. St. John’s ...
Headshot of Elin Goulden.

Diocese welcomes social justice consultant

Elin Goulden started as the diocese’s new social justice and advocacy consultant at the beginning of April. Before taking on this position, she had been ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Listen and let their stories change us

This past year, the diocese’s Social Justice and Advocacy Committee was forced to confront its complicity in systemic racism. As we were planning our fall ...
Archbishop Johnson speaks to a room full of seated people listening.

Faith groups come together on poverty

Members of several faith traditions gathered at Queen’s Park on Nov. 24 to hear about the possibilities of a basic income and to strategize for ...
A man sleeping over a grate on the sidewalk in downtown Toronto.

Balancing priorities

On Nov. 21, Archbishop Colin Johnson and the diocese’s Poverty Reduction Committee submitted the following brief to the Government of Ontario’s pre-budget consultations.   About ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Vestries asked to consider motion

Parishes across the diocese are encouraged to continue working toward reconciliation with Indigenous communities by presenting the 2017 social justice vestry motion for consideration at ...
Two people sit.

Hospitality & Exile

Drawing its theme from a well-known biblical text, the diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference, held Oct. 15 in Richmond Hill, affirmed how hospitality can ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Outreach conference looks at displacement and hospitality

The diocese’s annual Outreach & Advocacy Conference will take place on Oct. 15 at Holy Trinity School in Richmond Hill. The theme of this year’s ...

Public engages with premier at church

More than 125 people gathered in the sanctuary of St. John, York Mills on May 9 to take part in a question and answer session ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Who are we to choose?

From a very young age, we are taught about “stranger danger” – fear and skepticism of the stranger, the other. They are unknown, unpredictable and ...

Vestry motion responds to TRC’s findings

As many parishes across the diocese prepare for their 2016 vestry meetings, they are being asked once again to endorse the diocese’s annual social justice ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Faith groups, politicians discuss poverty

The keynote speaker at a forum on poverty at Queen’s Park on Nov. 18 proposed that all politicians be required to live in a poor ...
Two men looking at a laptop screen.

Conference focuses on social justice

Under the theme “Loving in Deed and in Truth,” taken from 1 John 3: 17-18, about 90 Anglicans from across the diocese gathered for the ...
Two women with candles stand next to the Toronto Homeless Memorial.

Invest in human dignity

Archbishop Colin Johnson and the diocese’s Poverty Reduction Subcommittee submitted a written brief to the Ontario government’s pre-budget consultations, outlining key social investments they hope ...
Indigenous women drum and sing.

Service celebrates the Earth, calls for its protection

About 45 people gathered in the chilly sanctuary of Holy Trinity, Trinity Square on Jan. 14 for the annual Keepers of the Water vigil to ...
Flowers on the bench inside a streetcar shelter in downtown Toronto.

Anglicans rally for homeless

Advocates for the poor and homeless, including an Anglican priest and a member of Holy Trinity, Trinity Square, took part in a press conference on ...
Katie MacDougall speaks into a microphone.

More people seek housing, forum hears

About 60 people, some from as far away as Thunder Bay and London, Ont., attended a recent forum in Toronto on the challenge of ending ...
Carol Goar speaks into a microphone.

‘You can show it’s possible’

“You are making a difference.” That was the message from Carol Goar, a Toronto Star columnist who has written extensively on poverty, hunger and social ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Poverty strategy needs firm goals

Archbishop Colin Johnson sent this letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne in September, in response to the government’s second phase of its Poverty Reduction Strategy. The ...
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