


Archbishop Johnson speaks to a room full of seated people listening.

Faith groups come together on poverty

Members of several faith traditions gathered at Queen’s Park on Nov. 24 to hear about the possibilities of a basic income and to strategize for

hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Vestries asked to consider motion

Parishes across the diocese are encouraged to continue working toward reconciliation with Indigenous communities by presenting the 2017 social justice vestry motion for consideration at

Grants enable refugee sponsorships

Grants totalling more than $80,000 to support refugee sponsorship in seven parishes across the diocese were approved by Diocesan Council in May. The grants were

Grants given for sponsorships

As much as $392,000 in grants will be distributed to parishes across all four episcopal areas to support refugee sponsorship in the diocese. The grants,

Vestry motion responds to TRC’s findings

As many parishes across the diocese prepare for their 2016 vestry meetings, they are being asked once again to endorse the diocese’s annual social justice

Two men looking at a laptop screen.

Conference focuses on social justice

Under the theme “Loving in Deed and in Truth,” taken from 1 John 3: 17-18, about 90 Anglicans from across the diocese gathered for the

hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Anglicans urged to vote

Canadians go to the polls on Oct. 19 to elect Members of Parliament and choose the country’s next government, and Anglicans are being encouraged to

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