Parish News

A map pointer with the image of a church

Church’s first Repair Café gets the job done

On Feb. 22, St. John the Evangelist, Port Hope co-sponsored its first Repair Café with Port Hope for Future (PH4F), a local environmental group. Hundreds ...
A group of people sits on blankets in a back yard.

‘Nones’ explore spirituality in pilot project

In the summer of 2019, the Rev. Dr. Jason McKinney and a local community partner piloted a project that sought to bring people together to ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Poverty maze builds empathy, dispels myths

The newly formed Uxbridge Poverty Coalition hosted a “Poverty Maze” last November to raise awareness of the realities of life below the poverty line in ...
A cricket batter holds a bag while the ball approaches.

Cricket festival in June

The Anglican Church Cricket Festival Committee is pleased to report that planning for this year’s festival is well underway and the event is scheduled for ...
A groupu of people sitting and smiling for the camera.

Church hosts town’s first Repair Café

St. John the Evangelist, Port Hope is hosting the town’s first Repair Café on Feb. 22. The church is organizing the event along with Port ...

Church plans to take Jesus outside

Light On The Hill, Oak Ridges (also known as St. John the Baptist, Oak Ridges) plans to make Jesus known to the surrounding community during ...
A woman in Chinese traditional dress.

Celebrating Chinese New Year

About 100 people, many from the surrounding community, attended the Chinese New Year celebration at St. Philip on the Hill, Unionville on Jan. 26. The ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

Grafton church wraps up anniversary year

St. George, Grafton ended its year-long 175th anniversary celebrations with a service attended by Bishop Riscylla Shaw, the area bishop of Trent-Durham. It has been ...
A man and a woman stand together for a photo.

Those who helped Japanese Canadians thanked at event

A group gathered at Holy Trinity, Trinity Square on Oct. 5 to celebrate and give thanks to a community for its incredible support for seeking ...
A group of adults and one child outdoors in front of Lake Ontario and the Toronto skyline.

Church brings third refugee family to Canada

Shortly after arriving in Toronto, a refugee family from Iraq had a picnic on Toronto Islands. As they were waiting to take the ferry back ...
Dirt plots on the front lawn of a modern church building.

Community garden takes root

This summer and fall saw the first harvest of vegetables from St. Luke’s Community Gardens in Peterborough. The crop included tomatoes, cabbages, peppers, potatoes, carrots, ...
Bishop Andrew Asbil grasping the hand of one man in a row of several men.

Members admitted to brotherhood

Sept. 15 was a day of celebration for San Lorenzo Ruiz Anglican Church in Toronto. In addition to celebrating the church’s 28th anniversary, a chapter ...
A group of adults and one child holding a trophy smile for a group photo with Bishop Kevin Robertson.

Deanery’s race is a winner

Ten teams took part in the first Scarborough Steeplechase on Sept. 21. The Amazing Race-type event brought 28 Anglicans together in Scarborough Deanery to meet ...
Two priests extend hands over a pile of knitted blankets

Prayer shawls provide comfort

St. George Memorial, Oshawa celebrated the second anniversary of its prayer shawl ministry with a special service on May 26. The Rev. Canon Judy Herron-Graham, ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

Church celebrates 40th anniversary

Forty years ago, in 1979, the Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Toronto began its life as the Mission of Chartwell-Milliken, under the leadership ...
The Anglican

Journey to church goes through shelter

Olatubosun (Ola) Olanipekun and Lewis Ngwamba Kabonde each arrived at St. Peter and St. Simon the Apostle, Toronto, via the side door. That is, their ...
A group of people stand outside under a tree

Service marks 40 years of outreach ministry to park

The Parish of Georgina welcomed Bishop Riscylla Shaw to a service of Evening Prayer on July 7 to celebrate 40 years of outreach ministry in ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

Neighours pitch in when shelves go bare

It was Sunday afternoon and the Beeton Cupboard at St. Michael and All Angels, Toronto, was bare. The cupboard, named after Elizabeth Beeton, who died ...
An older Asian woman in the pew of a church

Event to thank ‘good people’ who sought redress for internees

Author and social justice activist Joy Kogawa is organizing an event at Holy Trinity, Trinity Square on Oct. 5 to express gratitude to the men ...
A group of peole gathered around a table inside a church

Church improves building, programs for city’s poorest

When the Rev. Dr. Alison Falby arrived at All Saints, Sherbourne Street nine months ago, the church was going through one of its hardest winters. ...
Several tents on a lawn

Helping homeless in tents a ‘life-giving’ experience, says Peterborough priest

For the Rev. Canon Brad Smith, helping some homeless people in Peterborough this summer has been a bruising experience, but it has also deepened his ...
A small group gathers in an alley

Walk bears witness to opioid deaths

The weather was in cold, rainy sympathy as a small group of Anglicans made an unusual walk: All Saints Church-Community Centre’s Good Friday Way of ...
Two women hold a poster that says "Scarborough steeplechase"

Race planned for deanery

Two churches in Scarborough are hosting an Amazing Race-type event to bring local Anglicans together and to raise funds for outreach. The Scarborough Steeplechase, as ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

LGBTQ history to come out at new speakers’ series

Growing up at St. Matthias, Bellwoods, Robert Adams was grateful that he was part of a congregation that fully accepted and welcomed LGBTQ people. When ...
A group of players cheers and pats each other on the back

Church softball league gets underway

When it comes to baseball in Toronto, the Blue Jays get all the attention. But a church league has been running in Scarborough for nearly ...

Church leads clothing drive for Pikangikum

On Nov. 28, Dave Gordon, a parishioner with a long history of advocating for Indigenous issues, received an email from Jennifer Manitowabi, the vice-principal at ...

Anglican, United churches have close ties

In a world of division and unrest, the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity might seem like a waste of time.  However, for two of ...
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