Uxbridge church starts Gay/Straight Alliance

A group of people stand on church steps holding a rainbow flag.
The Rev. Canon Mark Kinghan and Bishop Kevin Robertson join members of the Uxbridge Gay/Straight Alliance.
 on November 1, 2018

When Kathleen Caroll, a member of St. Paul, Uxbridge and a teacher at a local school, proposed that the students at the school form a rainbow by wearing different coloured t-shirts in honour of Pride Week, she was met with a negative response. Out of that experience came the creation of the Uxbridge Gay/Straight Alliance, which meets at the church. In an informal and safe environment, members of the LGBTQ community and their friends share experiences and offer mutual support and encouragement. At the meeting on Sept. 15, the group welcomed Bishop Kevin Robertson, who shared his story and invited questions and comments. Through this initiative, Christ Church, Stouffville is starting at Gay/Straight Alliance in its community as well.

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