December 2016

An open bible sitting on a rock.

John takes us back to beginning

I hope the past few columns have helped you to look again at Paul, our first theologian, and realize his importance to the books of ...
A large audience standing and pointing upward.

Conference on children’s ministry going strong

As a first-time attendee of the Toronto Children’s Ministry Conference, Tiffany Robinson came away with a wealth of knowledge and contacts. But it might be ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Veteran of urban ministry passes on wisdom

When I became the interfaith minister for ministry to St. James Town in 1970, Barry Morris, with his mass of black hair and huge black ...
Joy Kogawa sits at a table and signs a book.

Memoir, opera explore trauma, healing

Joy Kogawa, acclaimed author and lifelong Anglican, joined Bishop Patrick Yu and politician Olivia Chow on Oct. 28 in a public conversation about reconciling the ...
Eight young people sit around a table.

Scholarship program turns 20

As a first-year English literature major at York University, Keisha McIntosh-Siung would have to read a lot of novels, sometimes one per week. Paying for ...
Two people sit.

Hospitality & Exile

Drawing its theme from a well-known biblical text, the diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference, held Oct. 15 in Richmond Hill, affirmed how hospitality can ...
A group of eight people pose for a photo.

Concert benefits young musicians

Canadian soprano Meredith Hall was joined by a stellar lineup of singers and musicians at a benefit concert at St. Simon the Apostle, Bloor Street ...
Cartoon of two overlapping speech bubbles

I notice God in the mundane

Sarah Moesker is in the Companions on an Ancient Path program, run by the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine. The SSJD’s convent is in ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Finding hope in the early church

I have always admired the zeal and commitment early Christians had for founding a new church and facing untold opposition from those with an interest ...
Two women in front of a display table while others look on.

FaithWorks celebrates special anniversary

FaithWorks, the diocese’s annual outreach appeal, marked its 20th anniversary with a gala celebration in Snell Hall at St. James Cathedral on Oct. 30. “It ...
A sign on a street pole in downtown Toronto that says "discovery walk."

Christians share Advent experiences on social media

With Advent underway, Christians and Anglicans around the world are turning to social media to share their common experience of waiting and preparing for the ...
A woman lying on a bed being examined by a medical professional.

$500,000 grant helps women, children

The Diocese of Toronto is making a $500,000 donation to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund (PWRDF) to improve maternal, newborn and child health ...
Jeff Potter shares a handshake with a boy.

Historic church reopens in Maple

A new future for St. Stephen, Maple was officially launched on Oct. 30, as Bishop Peter Fenty consecrated and rededicated the building where a new ...
A group of eight children lights a candle on an Advent wreath.

Let us be open to God’s purpose for us

In celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we rejoice in the knowledge that God chose to come among us. It is ...
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