
FaithWorks celebrates special anniversary

Two women in front of a display table while others look on.
Constance Kendall (centre) and Evadne Wilkinson (left) welcome people to the Downsview Youth Covenant display at the FaithWorks 20th anniversary gala. The Downsview Youth Covenant, based at St. Stephen, Downsview, is a recipient of FaithWorks funding.
 on December 1, 2016
Michael Hudson

FaithWorks, the diocese’s annual outreach appeal, marked its 20th anniversary with a gala celebration in Snell Hall at St. James Cathedral on Oct. 30. “It was a wonderful gathering celebrating donors, supporters and FaithWorks ministry partners, who together are building communities of hope and compassion,” says Paige Souter, the diocese’s manager of annual giving. Attendees were invited to share their dreams for FaithWorks on a dream board. Archbishop Colin Johnson shared his reflections on 20 years of FaithWorks. As part of his thank-you to donors for their faith-filled generosity, he previewed a special video thanking donors. The celebration ended with a Choral Evensong at St. James Cathedral.  Members from the Toronto Urban Native Ministries led the procession with drumming and smudging. Carol Reist from The Dam was the homilist.



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