The Order of the Diocese of Toronto, an award created in 2013, honours members of the laity in the diocese who have given outstanding service over a significant period of time in their volunteer ministry. We give thanks to God for the work and witness of these faithful people who, in the exercise of their baptismal ministry, have demonstrated that “their light shines, their works glorify.” In 2024, the recipients came from the following deaneries: Holland, Mississauga, Parkdale-West Toronto, Peterborough, York Central and York Mills.
Jack Adams, ODT
St. Luke, Peterborough
Mr. Adams has been nominated by St. Luke, Peterborough for 75 years of devoted service. His leadership as churchwarden, lay reader and preacher, Sunday School teacher and Young People’s Association leader, chorister and supporter of all efforts to alleviate poverty and hardship in the community have been invaluable. His beloved parish is grateful for his lifetime of Christian witness and determined hope in the life and ministry of St. Luke’s.
John Amesbury, ODT
Parish of Ida and Omemee
Mr. Amesbury has been nominated by the Parish of Ida and Omemee for his service as lay reader, preacher and outreach coordinator for over 40 years. He has chaired two refugee sponsorships and encouraged support of Migrant Worker Ministry, One City Peterborough, local food banks and Indigenous clean water projects. St. John’s is grateful for his faithful and inspiring witness.
Evernese Benskin
St. Stephen in-the-Fields
Ms. Benskin has been nominated by St. Stephen in-the-Fields for a lifetime of devoted service to her parish. Holding nearly every position that a lay person may hold, she has been churchwarden, ACW chair, office administrator, head of the altar guild, envelope secretary, and presently a sidesperson and greeter. As described by St. Stephen’s, she is forthright and determined – inspiring everyday servanthood witness to her community.
Janice Biehn Douglas, ODT
St. Olave, Swansea
Mrs. Biehn Douglas has been nominated by St. Olave, Swansea for her 30 years of faithful service to the parish. In all the ways she has served St. Olave’s as churchwarden, Sunday School coordinator and communications coordinator, she has exemplified passion and love for her parish. Selflessly giving of her time and skills, she is a cornerstone of her community’s life and health.
Pauline Bourne, ODT
St. Hilda, Fairbank
Mrs. Bourne has been nominated by St. Hilda, Fairbank for her active participation in the parish community since 1978. She has taken on leadership roles consisting of churchwarden, outreach and welcoming committees, ACW and advisory board. In her leisure, she also makes abundant time to spend with her family and particularly her grandchildren.
Audrey Bowers, ODT
Holy Spirit of Peace
Mrs. Bowers has been nominated by Holy Spirit of Peace for nearly 40 years of faithful, skilled service in parish leadership. She has served as envelope secretary, advisory board member, council secretary, council acting chair and chair, and participated in National Church Development and Fresh Expressions. A licenced lay anointer and server as well, she faithfully attends bible study and prayer to recharge her spiritual batteries.
Marylou Bowles, ODT
St. Matthew and St. Aidan, Buckhorn
Mrs. Bowles has been nominated by St. Matthew and St. Aidan, Buckhorn for her tireless commitment to all aspects of parish life. A cradle Anglican with 30+ years in Buckhorn, she has served as churchwarden, altar guild coordinator, ACW member and caterer extraordinaire, and is a Trent Lakes Outreach Committee member. She exemplifies a disciple of Christ through her care of others and adherence to the teachings of the bible.
Marilyn Cartmill, ODT
All Saints, King City
Mrs. Cartmill has been nominated by All Saints, King City for her commitment to all aspects of ministry and organization. Chorister, chancel chair, chalice bearer and audit manager are avenues to contribute her wisdom, insight and skills to those in need and exemplify her love for her church. She is the most reliable and dedicated person, and All Saints gives thanks for her gifts of friendship, truth-telling and humour.
Brian Clarke, ODT
St. Mary Magdalene, Toronto
Mr. Clarke has been nominated by St. Mary Magdalene for his exceptional service to the church and community as a leader and community creator. As a lifetime advisory board member, his wisdom is often sought regarding the parish and its people. He is noted for his care of the poorest and most disadvantaged in the community and for the ways service is rooted in his engagement with liturgical life.
Hilda Cole, ODT
Parish of Belmont
Ms. Cole has been nominated by the Parish of Belmont for her almost 70 years’ service to St. John the Evangelist, Havelock. Holding many appointments, notably 40 years as a lay reader and self-taught hymns-on-CD operator, she was instrumental in the beginnings of the Rice Lake Regional Ministry process and continues to participate in regional council. She passionately contributes her energy and faithfulness to serving her church and village.
Philip Conliffe, ODT
St. Martin in-the-Fields
Mr. Conliffe has been nominated by the bishop for his service in the diocesan Volunteer Corps. As a coach with the Parish Finance Advisory Committee and a Canon 24 administrator, he has helped parishes return to financial health with candour and calm wisdom while maintaining his long-standing role as treasurer of St. Martin in-the-Fields. A diligent family man of deep faith and skill, he generously shares his talent and treasure for the good of our collective Church family.
Barbara Coolen, ODT
Trinity – St. Paul, Port Credit
Mrs. Coolen has been nominated by Trinity – St. Paul, Port Credit for her faithful service to parish life for the past 52 years. As chair of the chancel guild for 29 years, she has trained and led a dedicated team in care of the worship space, as well as helped to organize many events in support of the church and community. She is an exceptional role model to her parish.
Nancy Cutler, ODT
Holy Trinity, Thornhill
Mrs. Cutler has been nominated by the bishop for her determined witness in every aspect of her service-oriented life. Her terms as churchwarden pre-incumbent have been selfless and stabilizing thanks to clear and coordinated communication throughout the parish and with the diocese. In her professional life as a civil servant and in her many volunteer roles in the community, she shines the gospel light with her excellent humour, disciplined mind and compassionate heart.
Ezra Cyrus, ODT
Epiphany & St. Mark, Parkdale
Mr. Cyrus has been nominated by Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale for four decades and counting of service to the parish. Beginning with the servers’ guild in high school, he later became an advisory board member and became chair. Throughout the last 25 years, he has built the foundation for sound parish financial reporting, advice and budgeting practices.
Edith Davis, ODT
St. John the Baptist (Dixie)
Ms. Davis has been nominated by St. John the Baptist (Dixie) for her many years’ devoted service supporting the ministry of the parish and cemetery, particularly as churchwarden. A mentor to others in ministry, and a witness in preaching, prayer and scripture study, she has led worship as a lay reader and chorister and has represented her parish at six synods. A fun fact: she has the canons of the diocese completely memorized!
Jane De Cheverry, ODT
St. Hilary (Cooksville)
Mrs. De Cheverry has been nominated by St. Hilary (Cooksville) for 30 years’ service in many roles, including parish treasurer. A member of the corporation and advisory board, Sunday School teacher and daycare board member, she works hard and is always willing to roll up her sleeves. With a spirit of hope and belief, especially in challenging times, her problem-solving skills and positive spirit are an example to us all.
Olive June Dyer, ODT
Christ Church, Stouffville
Mrs. Dyer has been nominated by Christ Church, Stouffville for her life-long ministry to her Church at the parish, diocesan, national and international levels. Sunday School ministry, lay reader, lay anointer, lay pastoral visitor, chalice bearer, greeter, diocesan ACW president, International Committee of World Day of Prayer, and Women’s Inter-Church Council Canada appointee are a few examples. She exemplifies walking alongside in compassion, kindness and prayerfulness to serve with a generous and humble spirit.
Elizabeth Fowl, ODT
St. Matthias, Bellwoods
Ms. Fowl has been nominated by St. Matthias, Bellwoods for her tireless dedication to her parish. Organized, skilled and determined, she is committed to ensuring “all things will work out,” such as hybrid ministry. The key asset to day-to-day administration, including parish streaming services and envelope secretary, she is the go-to person whose self-identified best feature is her faith.
Kathleen Joy Gannicott, ODT
Trinity Church, Aurora
Mrs. Gannicott has been nominated by Trinity Church, Aurora for her 35 years’ dedicated service at Trinity and in Holland Deanery. A volunteer musician at her parish, she has also shared her musical gifts and talents as volunteer organist with St. Mary Magdalene, Schomberg and provided music and pastoral ministry to nursing home services in Aurora. Founder of Trinity’s flower guild, she is also an active member of the Canadian chapter of the Compass Rose Society.
Tina George, ODT
St. Bede
Ms. George has been nominated by the bishop for her work with the diocesan Volunteer Corps. Joining in 2017 to help parishes in transition with stewardship goals and as a National Church Development coach, she worked on the Episcopal Leadership Implementation Team in 2022 and currently serves on the steering committee for Cast the Net. Leveraging her corporate skills and abundant faith to the hard work of our Church and her beloved parish of St. Bede’s, she is a treasure.
Kimberly Gollinger, ODT
Parish of Georgina
Ms. Gollinger has been nominated by the Parish of Georgina for being a model of a committed parishioner eager to take on leadership and help others. As churchwarden, parish archivist and member of the local historical society, she knows all of the parish’s past secrets and joys, and leverages this for the building up of future glory. She is a well-known ambassador in the Sutton community and a wonderful gift to her parish.
Wendy Graham, ODT
St. Anne, Toronto
Mrs. Graham has been nominated by St. Anne, Toronto her for tireless service to the parish in many capacities for over 58 years. She is currently special advisor to the corporation and envelope secretary. Along with her beloved family, she is counted on for special occasions and is often the last person standing during event clean-up. Respected by all for her wisdom and grace, she is highly deserving of this honour.
Joyce Green, ODT
St. Francis of Assisi, Meadowvale West
Ms. Green has been nominated by St. Francis of Assisi, Meadowvale West for her prayerful and inspired ministry in many roles, especially as director of the altar guild for over 20 years. Through her dedication to community building in organizing parish events, to her attention to every detail of caring for sacred vessels and linens, her loving and respectful service has endeared her to the parish. She is loved and adored by everyone at St. Francis.
Timothy Holman, ODT
St. George by the Grange
Mr. Holman has been nominated by St. George by the Grange for nearly four decades of faithful service as the parish caretaker. With many incumbents and a changing congregation and neighbourhood, he remained a constant; a faithful, friendly presence to ensure an oasis of quiet peace for all visitors in a busy part of the city. As caretaker, he went beyond his employment responsibilities, eschewing his own comfort to care for the day-to-day maintenance of the parish.
Walter Howell, ODT
St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough
Mr. Howell has been nominated by St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough for a lifetime of service to the Church. An exemplary leader in a wide variety of roles from committee chair to churchwarden, he demonstrates his commitment to the gospel and the mission of our Church. With a steadfast readiness to lend a hand or organize a working party, his cheer brings joy to his parish and all who meet him.
Evelyn Hullah, ODT
Ascension, Don Mills
Mrs. Hullah has been nominated by Ascension, Don Mills for her ardent faith, demonstrated in her many works by which she has served the Lord and her community. As founding and current co-chair of Café 65 – a gathering place for seniors’ parish monthly outreach – she has applied her corporate expertise and skills in service to others. For 54 years, she has lived in and served her parish alongside her beloved husband and family.
William Hullah, ODT
Ascension, Don Mills
Mr. Hullah has been nominated by the bishop for reflecting his passionate faith in his many works and imaginative ways to broaden community. Along with his wife Evelyn, he founded Ascension’s Café 65 parish outreach ministry to seniors, using his former role as president and director of Community Share Food Bank for inspiration. Presently director emeritus, he remains dedicated to community organizations as well as his parish’s initiatives to serve and support senior’s ministry in Don Mills.
Thomas (Tom) Johnston, ODT
Parish of Roches Point
Mr. Johnston has been nominated by the Parish of Roches Point for his universal volunteer work for the church and its buildings, services and parish community. A well-known figure in local life, he stands out for his dedication to church maintenance, liturgical assistance and playing Santa Claus every year in the Keswick parade. His welcoming spirit helps a small parish to flourish in the community.
Rebecca Jones, ODT
Holy Trinity, Thornhill
Ms. Jones has been nominated by Holy Trinity, Thornhill for her exemplary witness in a 30+ year ministry. She has embodied the six promises of the baptismal covenant – worshipping, proclaiming, serving, striving, respecting and caring – into Christian education, outreach, community development and administrative leadership. Holy Trinity is especially grateful for her digital expertise, which positioned the parish’s transition to online worship seamlessly during the pandemic.
Philip Kwan, ODT
St. John, Willowdale
Mr. Kwan has been nominated by St. John, Willowdale for three decades of service as a volunteer. Valued for his wisdom and experience in parish ministry and as diocesan liaison, his calculated leadership has enabled good maintenance and fruitful usage of three church buildings. He has worked hard to honour St. John’s tradition, as well as inspiring movement towards the future, representing inter-cultural parish ministry of multiple ethnicities.
John Lindsay, ODT
St. Peter, Cobourg
Mr. Lindsay has been nominated by the bishop for dedicated commitment to service in the Anglican Church community and his particular support of outreach ministry in the diocese through FaithWorks. An avid volunteer in his parish as well, he has served as churchwarden, lay reader and intercessor, and in his spare time was a three-term elected municipal councillor in the town of Cobourg. His faith is reflected in a warmth of heart and eager zeal for the service he offers.
Robert Longworth, ODT
St. Michael and All Angels
Mr. Longworth has been nominated by St. Michael and All Angels for a lifetime of care and devotion to his church and community. With humour, intelligence, musicality and leadership, he has participated and served in every single capacity of parish life for over 80 years. The entire community looks to him as elder statesman who brings to all he does the wisdom and knowledge that he graciously shares.
Jacqueline Lue, ODT
Christ Church, Woodbridge
Ms. Lue has been nominated by Christ Church, Woodbridge for her committed faith in service. Serving as churchwarden at two parishes – St. Stephen, Maple and Christ Church, Woodbridge – she has also served as counter, reader and greeter. Always willing to help with all church activities and volunteer opportunities, her ministry is exemplary to all.
Margie Lyttle, ODT
St. George on Yonge
Ms. Lyttle has been nominated by St. George on Yonge for her outstanding contribution to worship and prayer in the church community and beyond. With a devotion to liturgy and people that has been transformative for St. George’s, her service and prayer has been felt in the Willowdale neighbourhood. She also has legacies of involvement in the global church, especially in Jamaica through St. Mary’s Anglican Church and through the Daughters of the King for the Diocese of Southeast Florida.
Marlene Mueller, ODT
St. James the Apostle, Sharon
Mrs. Mueller has been nominated by St. James the Apostle, Sharon for her devoted service and contributions to the life of St. James and its community for 54 years. Beginning with the ACW, she has served in parish administration and in the chancel guild and prayer circle and is happy to lend a hand to any gardening and groundwork. With a depth of faith at the core of her being, her joy and service are life-giving.
Bridget North, ODT
St. John the Baptist, Norway
Ms. North has been nominated by the bishop to recognize her outstanding contributions to her parish and community over several decades. With kind service, she has supported refugees coming to Canada, led as churchwarden and president of the ACW Norway group, fundraised, coordinated the prayer group for a decade and generally supported parishioners with carpooling, cards, visits and calls. She is a faithful and wonderful parishioner who has brought so much love to her community.
Benita Pong, ODT
St. Christopher
Ms. Pong has been nominated by the bishop for her caring and helpful deeds that have influenced many parishioners and the Richmond Hill community. With demonstrated leadership in managing property, finances and administration, she selflessly gives her time to her parish and organizes wonderful events for the community. She is actively supportive of new immigrant ministry and outreach and, along with the Rev. Canon Philip Der, has diligently ensured that online accessibility to worship is maintained and developed effectively.
Michael Rowland, ODT
St. Thomas, Huron Street
Mr. Rowland has been nominated by St. Thomas, Huron Street for his contributions to the parish’s life over the past 35 years, most notably in the areas of stewardship, music and outreach. He has led every major fundraising effort, including annual appeals, capital campaigns and special initiatives. A tireless member of the Friends of Music Committee, he has also given generously of his time to refugee settlement and the Friday Food ministry.
Paul Pok Yan Seto, ODT
St. Elizabeth Church, Mississauga
Mr. Seto has been nominated by St. Elizabeth Church, Mississauga for his patient, diligent and faithful service as an outstanding churchwarden. A full-time geophysics engineer, his commitment extends beyond his professional life to enrich the life of his parish in support of its growth and vitality. His love for God shines through in heart, soul and mind as evidenced in his service to his church and congregation.
Gary Spence, ODT
St. Peter (Erindale)
Mr. Spence has been nominated by St. Peter (Erindale) for his active leadership that has contributed to church growth and welcome since he was tapped on the shoulder to help with greeting in 1993. Thirty years later, with an “other duties as assigned” volunteer list longer than his list of formal roles, he has approached all ministry with kindness and a sense of humour. He values the great friendships he and his family have built along his faithful journey.
Michael Willmot, ODT
St. Paul, Bloor Street
Mr. Willmot has been nominated by the bishop for his contributions to the Diocese of Toronto in expertise and talent. As former chair of the Bishop’s Company, he leveraged his experience as a career investment and merchant banker in founding the annual dinner as a sponsored event and introducing the capital account that helped to establish the endowment fund for the office of the Bishop of Toronto. He continues as a lifetime member of the Bishop’s Company and was lead sponsor of the 2024 dinner.
Diana Wong, ODT
St. Christopher
Mrs. Wong has been nominated by St. Christopher for her devotion in sharing the gospel with others through service to her church and works in social justice and environmental issues. With visionary and prayerful leadership, she was instrumental in planting today’s St. Christopher’s church. Generous with her time and talent by serving as churchwarden, treasurer, Sunday School superintendent, children’s choir conductor, mission chair, organist and mentor, she exemplifies Christian servant leadership.
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