The Steward

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Going to church is good for you

For my last several columns, I have focused on some interesting changes and trends in the Church that have been accelerated by the pandemic. We ...
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Giving in the Church is changing

It’s easier than ever to give. When I came to the Diocese of Toronto in 2003, the most common way to give was by cheque. ...
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Online worship is transforming ministry

Each year, Synod Council invites me to make a presentation on trends in giving and attendance in the diocese. (Synod Council is the representative body ...
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Five financial stewardship quick fixes

With vestry meetings in the rear-view mirror now in most parishes across the diocese, it’s time to make good on your parish’s stewardship objectives. If ...
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What does it mean to be stewards of creation?

In the second chapter of Genesis, we read about how God fashions human beings from dust, places them in the Garden of Eden and gives ...
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Let’s bring back the offertory plate

Churches have experienced a noticeable and protracted change in giving patterns since the earliest days of the pandemic and beyond. Not only has there been ...
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The tax benefits of giving

People make donations for all sorts of reasons. For some it is the mission of the organization, while for others it’s how their gift will ...
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I encourage you not to look back

My friend and former colleague Dave Robinson was fond of saying that many church leaders suffer from “terminal nostalgia.” That is to say, they retain ...
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Church leaders must model leadership, generosity

One of the best parts of my job is working with parish leaders to help them achieve their financial stewardship objectives. This continuous engagement helps ...
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How does the Baptismal Covenant inform our stewardship?

Practicing stewardship intimately ties us to who we are as a Christian people. Stewardship is an expression of faith. It is not simply the Church’s ...
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Why give? Here’s what the Bible says

Our understanding of stewardship as a way of life is based in scripture. The first chapter of Genesis tells us that God created all things ...
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A church of simplicity and service

It has been widely reported that the Anglican Church of Canada will be gone by 2040. Given the change in demographics, the aging of our ...
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Seven good ideas from the secular fundraising world

I’ve long taken exception to secular fundraising’s dependency on the promotion of “benefits” or “membership” to encourage giving. There is almost no emphasis on altruism ...
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How do we strategically assess financial stewardship in our parishes?

Recently I’ve devoted considerable time to thinking about how we can better assess the generosity of donors in parishes. Part of this thinking is motivated ...
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How can we build back anew?

Recently, the Ontario government announced a reopening plan that would see public activity return to pre-pandemic levels. It is an aspirational objective, that’s for sure. ...
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Confessions of a reluctant steward

I have a confession to make. There was a time when I wasn’t quite sure what to do when the collection plate came around. I knew ...
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The pandemic has profoundly impacted us

Any way you look at it, the pandemic is having a profound impact on how parishes respond to ministry needs, stewardship education and worship. This ...
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How much should I give?

Growing up, I was always impressed by the generosity of my father. In many ways, he had a rather unassuming upbringing. As the son of ...
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Seven stewardship myths, revised

What motivates people to be generous? Throughout my career as a stewardship educator, I have encountered countless people who have made a priority of giving ...
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Parish websites offer inspiration, resources

Churches have responded to the pandemic with exciting worship innovation and adaptation. They have found new ways to maintain contact with congregants, to socialize and ...
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Take the New Year’s stewardship quiz

I’m a maker of lists, a setter of schedules, a taker of tests. I love online quizzes – IQ scores, Myers-Briggs, history, geography, the bible ...
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Consider this year-end stewardship checklist

It has been a tumultuous year. Despite its wild uncertainty, 2020 – the year of the pandemic – will go down as one that forced ...
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Leave a gift of encouragement

In the weeks following the birth of our first child, my wife and I had our will drawn up. Being in our early 30s, we ...
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Reinventing stewardship has brought results

The lockdown began in the third week of March. That week resonates strongly for many of us, as it brought in a period of unprecedented ...
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Think twice about passing a deficit budget

I want to share some personal thoughts with parish leaders about the idea of presenting a deficit budget at vestry time. I can appreciate that ...
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Has your regular giving become stuck?

I set out with a twenty-dollar bill in my pocket. Attending the Christmas Lessons and Carols service at a nearby parish on the last Sunday ...
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Let’s extend the hand of Jesus

It might seem odd to draw attention to a major milestone or anniversary one year before it happens.  It would be strange, for example, to ...
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