March 2017

Group of people sits around a table socializing.

New chaplain installed at Sunnybrook

Sister Hannah Grier Coome, foundress of the Sisterhood of St. John the Divine in 1884, identified ministry to those who were ill and distressed as ...
A map pointer with the image of a church

New format for sermon creates a buzz in Aurora

The regular sermon time at Trinity Church, Aurora may never be quite the same again. Throughout the season of Epiphany, the church has replaced the ...
People exchange hugs.

Syrian refugees guests of honour at celebration

A year after their arrival in Canada, an extended family of Syrian refugees were the guests of honour at a festive celebration at San Lorenzo-Dufferin ...
Jenn McIntyre sits in a desk chair, talking.

The community connected with my soul

Jenn McIntyre is the director of Romero House. Romero House is a community of welcome and support for refugee claimants in the west end of ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

You can be love in the world

Can you imagine what your community or church would be like without Anglican outreach? Imagine no parish food bank or mission trip to Africa. No ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Lent is an invitation to tear down walls

Over the past two years, Anglicans across Canada have stepped up to sponsor hundreds of refugees, mainly from war-torn Syria. Many parishes across our diocese ...

Do our lives align with our values?

I read The Picture of Dorian Gray, Oscar Wilde’s only novel, when I was a teenager. It contains the famous quip, “Nowadays, people know the ...
The Anglican

Bishops installed

Trent-Durham   York-Scarborough   York-Credit Valley
Primate Fred Hiltz sits among a group of children.

Primate attends special service

Seven years ago, St. Olave, Swansea in Toronto opened its doors to the Sudanese Community Church of Toronto, offering a space to worship on Sunday ...
Several people stand with signs outside.

Anglicans support Muslims after attack

Angela Forbes took part in a “ring of peace” outside a mosque in Toronto’s west end on Feb. 3 to show her support for Muslims ...
Two people in a warehouse with large pallets of boxes.

Supply chain ships items north

In late January, three transport trucks loaded with donated hockey equipment and other items left a Mississauga warehouse for Timmins and the remote communities of ...
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