I’ve loved every moment of it

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 on February 1, 2019

Ginnie Wong is the children and youth coordinator at St. John, Willowdale. She also participates in various ministries with the church’s English-speaking congregation.

I’m really excited for season two of our softball ministry. We started this ministry last spring and it has been a huge blessing to many of the people from the various churches that have participated, specifically families. I can’t wait to see how God moves for season two! I’m also excited about the various catechesis programs we have going on, and for the ones for the future. We’re hoping to have more family-oriented programs so children and parents can grow together in the faith.

Ginnie Wong has worked in youth ministry for 13 years.

The best part of my job is being invited into people’s lives and witnessing God’s faithfulness. Our God is good! I also love seeing how people’s love for God fuels their love for their neighbours, making them serve the parish and those in their lives in beautiful and creative ways.

One of the challenges of my job is that I always feel I can be doing more. It’s been a continuous lesson to learn the importance of the Sabbath. I’ve been learning the truth that the Sabbath is really for us. Resting helps reorient us and remind us that God is God and to trust Him.

I was born into a loving Christian home with two amazing parents who immigrated from Hong Kong. Looking back, I would have to say that both have contributed to my spiritual life. My mother was someone who was faithful in prayer; I have many memories of walking past her bedroom and seeing her on her knees praying for her children and those in her life. My father is more philosophical in nature, so I remember having theological discussions with him. He taught me that it was normal to struggle and have questions about faith. We shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions or to doubt. A lot of people in scripture had questions for God.

I spent the majority of my life in London Ont. It was while studying biology at Western University that I felt called to ministry. From there I went to Wycliffe College, where I completed a Master of Divinity. Before working at St. John’s, I was at St. Elizabeth’s Anglican Church in Mississauga.

One of the most significant moments in my life was when I was part of a small group in junior high school. Studying scripture in community at a young age changed me. Through the small group, I was able to openly explore my fears, questions and doubts in safety. I also realized that the words in the Bible are living and active because they are God’s words, and He is living and active. I also learned, through the example of my youth leaders, what loving Jesus looks like in my context and at my age. By sharing their lives with us, I witnessed the different ways the gospel is healing, hopeful and transformative. It’s through my own transformative experience in the Church that makes me passionate about providing the same for the next generation. I’ve been doing youth work for 13 years and I’ve loved every moment of it.

Five years from now I would love to continue to be doing what I am doing, serving the Church and helping people along their journey with Jesus. I love the Church and would love to continue to be a participant in God’s loving work in the world. I also hope to be more involved in my local community. I’ve been building relationships with those in my neighbourhood and I hope to continue to do so by becoming more involved in the clubs that I am already invested in. Toronto is a great city and it has so much potential in leading the way in protecting the most vulnerable who dwell in it.

My favourite passage of scripture is Hebrew 12:1 because I have been formed by so many faithful saints who have been older than me throughout my life. It’s so special because it reminds me of how even though none of the saints is perfect, God’s grace and love is above all our brokenness, as we have been made saints through Him and by Him. I also love this verse because I was told by a family member how my great-great grandmother in China prayed for the generations that would come after her, that they would know and love Christ. I’ve never met her, but I can’t wait to meet her in glory!

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