HAMILTON – The Diocese of Niagara will be providing a total of $30,000 in financial support for the next two years to three ecumenical university chaplaincies, at Brock University, McMaster University and the University of Guelph, the diocese announced this September.
The chaplaincies, which involve co-operation among the Anglican, United and Presbyterian churches, provide a range of services on campus, ranging from personal support to theological reflection and worship.
Each chaplaincy also has its own unique elements. The chaplaincy at Guelph involves, among other things, a weekly worship service open to people on campus or off, and a series of labyrinth walks using portable canvas labyrinths. Brock’s chaplaincy includes a Big Questions Club, in which students talk about faith and other issues. The McMaster chaplaincy features a “soup and selah” program – a weekly reflection followed by a meal – along with other organized spiritual or social events.
The Niagara Anglican
Letter outlines Paul’s theology