Last summer, the parishioners of Prince of Peace, Wasaga Beach decided to put a clothesline at the front of the church.
Marlene Hayes, clothesline coordinator, said, “We had it all figured out. On the line we would hang hats, mitts and scarfs for those in need during our cold winter months. It came to our attention from one of our parishioners, Jim Somerville, who volunteers at the ministerial food bank, that there was also a great need for men’s socks, so they too were added to our list.”
It wasn’t long before the church had a wonderful selection of donated warm winter wear. Not only did the items come from parishioners, but also from others in this caring community.
The first part of the project was to get a clothesline. Bill Gaddows, an innovative parishioner of all trades, put three poles in the ground and strung up some leftover clothesline. Some clothes pegs arrived just in time.
A group of women got together at the beginning of November and bagged all the donated articles. They bought Ziploc freezer bags that would keep out the snow and rain. They were able to assemble 100 bags and still continued making them as more articles arrived.
The clothesline’s “start up” day would be the beginning of Advent and it would finish on Ash Wednesday.
The big day arrived and the church was ready! Thirty bags were hung on the line and replenished as needed at least twice a week by the clothesline keepers. By the end of January, the church had given out over 150 bags. Donations poured into the church from the community, as people wanted to help the less fortunate in town.
“It has been a wonderful outreach project for all of us at the Prince of Peace as we all share our talents with those who need our help including,” says Marlene Hayes. “Thanks goes to the fantastic knitters and those who crochet, those who packed all the bags, shovelled the snow to get to the bags, bought our much needed socks and the many others who have helped.”
Submitted by Prince of Peach, Wasaga Beach
God’s richest blessings for the year ahead