Church, priest honour Anne Frank

A map of Canada outlining the Anglican diocesan borders
 on October 1, 2021

EDMONTON – Holy Trinity, Old Strathcona and its incumbent, the Rev. Danielle Key, took part in the unveiling and dedication of a bronze statue of diarist Anne Frank in the city’s Light Horse Park by the Dutch Canadian Club of Edmonton.

Holy Trinity is the regimental church for the Southern Alberta Light Horse (SALH) and Ms. Key is the regiment’s padre. The regiment played an integral part in the liberation of the Netherlands in 1944-45.

Ms. Key described the unveiling and dedication on Aug. 8: “It was a spectacular event with so many people from different backgrounds gathering together to witness the unveiling of a statue of a truly remarkable young girl who stood for inclusion, peace and love.”

Anne Frank, author of The Diary of a Young Girl, was a Jewish girl who died in a concentration camp in 1945. Her diary documents her life in hiding from 1942-44 during the German occupation of the Netherlands.

During the event on Aug. 8, a community in the Netherlands rang its peace bell at the same time as SALH troops rang a peace bell in Edmonton. In her blessing, Ms. Key said, “May we follow in the footsteps of Anne, remembering that words are stronger than bullets and grenades, remembering how wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world, that no one has ever become poor by giving and to live in a manner in which we don’t think of all the misery, but instead we think of all the beauty that still remains here on earth.”

The Messenger

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