The dean, clergy, staff and members of St. James Cathedral recognize and appreciate the important role that the cathedral plays in the life of the diocese. We are committed to this leadership and pastoral role, and we continue to find ways to serve our diocesan family.
During the pandemic and the time of leadership transition at the cathedral, we revisited our understanding of our mission and identified five priority areas on which we would focus our resources for the foreseeable future. The second of those priorities is to “expand our presence in the diocese to become a centre of learning, worship and diocesan life and not simply a stage for diocesan events.”
In a providential way, Cast the Net, which is a means of renewal in our diocese, amplified this priority for us through the call to a renewed spirituality. We embrace the third call to share and use resources to enliven worship, faith formation, spiritual practice and evangelism. One response to this call is for the cathedral to offer a confirmation class for parishes that may be interested.
We recognize that some parishes will have the capacity to prepare their candidates for the sacrament administered at Eastertide in the cathedral. They may also have a large number of candidates preparing for the sacrament. Some parishes, however, may not have many candidates and may welcome the opportunity for them to share with other Anglicans in similar circumstances.
Beginning in October, the cathedral will be offering a six-month course of preparation. The course will be online with a monthly in-person session at the cathedral, and it will be facilitated by the cathedral clergy and postulant for ordination. Depending on the ages of the candidates, they will be organized in age-appropriate groups.
The course comprises nine units: 1 – God and Me; 2 – Covenants & Commandments; 3 – Missing the Mark; 4 – Who is Jesus; 5 – What We Believe; 6 – What We Read; 7 – Who We Are & How We Serve; 8 – Worship Matters; 9 – How We Are Organized; 10 – Ecumenical & Interfaith Relationships.
If you or your parish are interested in this program, please contact the Rev. Matthew Waterman, assistant curate, at [email protected].
For all the saints