
People march down a street holding a banner.

We are at a critical turning point

Elin Goulden is the Parish Outreach Facilitator for the episcopal area of York-Credit Valley. I serve as a liason between the diocese and York-Credit Valley ...
Two young women holding cell phones.

Demographic change is here

Canada has reached a milestone. For the first time in its nearly 150-year history, the number of seniors is greater than the number of children. ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Moved by deacons’ stories

Will the real clergy please stand up? When we think about clergy, the image that first comes to mind is a priest, particularly the full-time, ...

The politics of fear

The politics of fear are insidious. They appeal to that place in all of us that feels unsafe and vulnerable, the part of us that ...
An open bible sitting on a rock.

Paul writes to Thessalonians

Towards the end of his second missionary journey, Paul moved from Athens to Corinth. He would stay in and around this city for the next ...
Group of people with signs, smokestacks in the distance.

This tour is not a pretty sight

An eagle hovers over the intersection as we gather. Around us, high smokestacks, overhead pipelines, huge corroded storage drums – the landscape of an industrial ...
Three people pose for a photo.

We’ve been able to bring people together

The Rev. Christian Harvey is a deacon at St. John the Evangelist in Peterborough. He is the Area Youth Social Justice Coordinator for Trent-Durham and ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

I’m proud of the work we’re doing

It was the last. Twice a week, on schedule, a horse drawn wagon made its way up Charlotte Street, then home to the rectory of ...

We must not stand idly by

Some images sear themselves into your mind. You cannot unthink them. They change how you see the world. A photo of a napalmed Vietnamese girl, ...
An open bible sitting on a rock.

Paul preaches in Europe

In my last column, Paul and Silas were in Troas, where they met Luke, who, along with Timothy, became part of the mission team. In ...
Garry Glowacki outside the Bridge prison ministry.

I begged God to help me

Garry Glowacki is the executive director of The Bridge, a prison ministry in Brampton that serves the Greater Toronto Area and beyond. We provide unique, ...
People hold up a banner that reads "Step up, be counted. Reconciliation involves us all."

It is a new day for all of us

In late May, people from all over the land made their way – by foot, rail, car, plane and in spirit – to Ottawa for ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

How newcomers can give money

Lately it seems I have been preoccupied with the question of how the church can better respond to the challenge of welcoming newcomers. Specifically, I’m ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

We are called to participate by voting

In the middle of summer, the Prime Minister called a federal election. Although not unexpected, we now find ourselves in the long campaign period to ...
An open bible sitting on a rock.

Paul focussed life on Christ

Before we look at Paul’s second missionary journey and the beginning of his correspondence, we need to look at the man himself. He was born ...
Cartoon of two overlapping speech bubbles

I became fascinated by the monster in the corner

Canon Giles Bryant is the organist and choirmaster at All Saints, Peterborough. He will be retiring on Sept. 6. He is also the organist and ...
Group of young people pose for a photo.

I see blessings at every step

Matthew Li is the Wasa-Nabin Urban Aboriginal Youth Program Worker at the Timmins Native Friendship Centre’s satellite site in Moosonee. He is the son of ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Holy moments

The indefatigable and somewhat unlucky Antarctic explorer Ernest Shackleton said somewhere that he was always amazed at how quickly a bad situation can turn into ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Keeping good stats can help a lot

In an article in the Anglican Journal, General Secretary Michael Thompson asked, “How can we understand what’s going on in the lives of our congregations ...
A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

God had a message for me

Faith Journeys Stories of lives that have been changed by Christ   It was pretty much the same each week. There were meetings and classes ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

There can be no letting up in this work

In the Old Testament, we see the prophets calling for justice in the communities to which they proclaimed the word. The call for justice in ...

This summer, share a meal

We were looking to buy our first house (now 32 years ago.) It was far more expensive than we had imagined. In narrowing the choices ...
An open bible sitting on a rock.

Small team sets out on mission

After the stoning of Stephen, the first Christian martyr, the persecution of Christians became intense in Jerusalem, causing many followers of the Way to flee, ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

Make giving regular, reliable and real

I have a confession to make: I’m not a tither. After you get over the shock that the director of Stewardship Development for the diocese ...
Group of young people at tables around a room.

Ministry is a commitment to God

Constance Kendall is the program director at the Downsview Youth Covenant and the lay pastoral minister and youth director at St. Stephen, Downsview. The Downsview ...
A tall building.

When a bishop is away

From time to time you will read in The Anglican that your bishop is away from the diocese. You may wonder, even aloud, “Why are ...
Progressively bigger stacks of coins grow plant shoots.

We shouldn’t make assumptions

As a stewardship educator, most of my time is dedicated to teaching – and hopefully inspiring – members of our congregations to embrace a life ...
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