The Rev. Andrew MacDonald blesses horses from the Toronto Police Service Mounted Unit and other animals at the Blessing of Animals service at St. Nicholas, Birch Cliff in Toronto on Oct. 1.
Ross, Isabel and their dog Emma enjoy the Blessing of Animals service at St. Augustine of Canterbury in Toronto on Oct. 1. At right, the Rev. Megan Jull and her son Matthew enjoy a moment with Squeaks the guinea pig.
The blessing of animals service at St. James Cathedral on Sept. 30 attracts a large crowd. The Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Fields and the Very Rev. Peter Wall blessed all manner of pets and other animals, including Mirvish and Northrup (at left), two Clydesdale horses of the Toronto Police Service Mounted Unit. In addition to the blessing, One Health Partners gave a demonstration with therapy dogs and a miniature horse that are taken to hospitals and seniors’ homes to visit people with health issues and those in palliative care.
Deepening poverty calls for advocacy