

A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Listening for the voice of vocation

Vocations: it was a key word during my Roman Catholic childhood. We were exhorted to “pray for vocations,” that is, to pray that young men

The Anglican

Re-making community explored

More than 100 people from all over the diocese and even as far as India met online on Oct. 30 for the annual Outreach and

A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Reflections on moving forward

It’s finally coming to a close, at least as I write this. A lengthy, tumultuous event unparalleled in our lifetimes, marked by sickness, death, fear

A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Forgiveness stretches far and wide

Forgiveness: it’s a quality drilled into us as essential for our Christian faith. It’s at the heart of our relationship with God and with others.

A pair of hands hoving over the keyboard of a laptop

Resolve to make 2021 a truly Happy New Year

New Year’s resolutions. Mention the topic and the responses will likely be an enthusiastic, “I don’t make resolutions anymore because I always break them… Life

hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Conference affirms value of everyone

“No one is disposable” was the theme of the diocese’s outreach conference, held Oct. 24. The conference underscored that message by tackling the feeling of

A group of adults sits around a large wooden table in a classroom.

Justice is church work: speaker

The “radical, revolutionary” message of Jesus can sustain us when the signs of the times can cause us to lose hope, said Thea Prescod, the

Dr. Carl James speaks from the front of the room.

Conference urges justice, equity for all

Participants at the diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference heard a powerful call to work for equity in the Church and society, and grappled with

A group of people at a pow wow.

Parish visits First Nation’s pow wow

When it comes to living out the call to reconciliation with First Nations, St. Saviour, Orono is a small parish that thinks big. The parish

Group photo of about a dozen people.

Efforts starting to bear fruit in Pikangikum

The word “Pikangikum” can evoke feelings of sadness and despair, as this remote northern Ontario community has attracted headlines for tragically high rates of suicide

Two people sit.

Hospitality & Exile

Drawing its theme from a well-known biblical text, the diocese’s annual Outreach and Advocacy Conference, held Oct. 15 in Richmond Hill, affirmed how hospitality can

Katie MacDougall speaks into a microphone.

More people seek housing, forum hears

About 60 people, some from as far away as Thunder Bay and London, Ont., attended a recent forum in Toronto on the challenge of ending

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