Sally Armour Wotton, professor of storytelling and sacred writing at Trinity College, Toronto, launched her second book at Crux Books at Wycliffe College on Oct. 3. Titled Can God Come Out To Play?, it examines liturgy not as a religious frill or Sunday morning ceremony, but as a basic reality of life.
In a series of essays covering both ancient and modern rituals, Ms. Wotton provides a historical perspective on liturgy as a communal response to the sacred, with the power to heal and inspire. She also shares some of her own liturgical experiences and designs, from proven ecumenical services of worship to non-religious, spirit-filled events.
Ms. Wotton expects Can God Come Out To Play? to appeal to readers who are looking for a spiritual approach to contemporary challenges, interested in imaginative forms and methods, and willing to recognize God as their mysterious, playful companion.
Can God Come Out To Play? is Ms. Wotton’s second published work. Her earlier book, We Storytellers: Blending Our Stories with God’s Story, was published in 2013.
Can God Come Out To Play? costs $17 and can be ordered through Amazon or Ingram as well as from the publisher directly by visiting In Toronto, it is available at Crux Books and Book City on Danforth Avenue.
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