October 2020 Issue
Archives seeks stories, photos
Even though there were 300,000 recorded cases of the Spanish flu in Ontario in 1918-19, resulting in nearly 9,000 deaths, there is very little mention ...

Written by
Stuart Mann
Prayer shawl offers more than just warmth
If you have ever spent time in the emergency department, you know well what it means to wait. And more than wait, you know what ...

Written by
Bishop Andrew Asbil
Parish News
Cottager swims laps for church
Anglicans in the diocese raised money in lots of different ways this past summer despite COVID-19, but Grace Olds’s efforts were probably the most unusual. ...

Written by
Stuart Mann
Where do we go from here?
This column is the second of two parts. In his letter to the diocese in July, Bishop Andrew Asbil made a statement that should become ...

Written by
The Rev. Canon Dr. Stephen Fields
Thinking anew about what God is calling us to do and be
What happens when church isn’t church anymore? Or perhaps more precisely, when the form of church we’ve known all our lives simply isn’t there for ...

Written by
Murray MacAdam
God loves us more than we could ask or imagine
The Rev. Claudette Taylor is an educator, a deacon at Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale and the Social Justice Officer for York-Credit Valley. At Epiphany ...

Written by
The Anglican
The highs and lows of chaplaincy during COVID-19
The Rev. Canon Joanne Davies is the chaplain and spiritual care coordinator at St. John’s Rehab, part of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre in Toronto. St. ...

Written by
The Rev. Canon Joanne Davies
How are we doing during COVID-19?
How do 25 Sisters, three Companions, one retired priest and a few employees get along in close quarters for almost six months at the Sisterhood ...

Written by
Sr. Constance Joanna Gefvert, SSJD
Consider the horror from up close
The annual commemoration of the American atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki usually focuses on the overwhelming statistics. I used to think about the horror ...

Written by
The Rev. Dr. Tyler Wigg-Stevenson
Grants help parishes reach more people online
For Sue Taylor, the first days of the COVID-19 lockdown were like going from the familiar to the unknown. With only a laptop, which was ...

Written by
Allan McKee
Urban farm delivers during pandemic
In 2017, food prices were skyrocketing. The Rev. Beverley Williams picked up a head of cauliflower at a grocery store, and, looking at the price, ...

Written by
Allan McKee
Jesus is always going before us every day