March 2021 Issue
Anti-racism initiative underway
In December, Bishop Jenny Andison, the diocese’s Diversity Officer, announced that the diocese would be embarking on anti-racism and anti-bias training for all clergy and ...

Written by
Allan McKee
Jesus is our peace in the midst of the storm
I recently attended a virtual retreat led by Brother James Koester of the Society of St. John the Evangelist in Boston. Normally I like to ...

Written by
Bishop Kevin Robertson
Memories of the Jordan River last for a lifetime
In those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. And just as he was coming up out ...

Written by
The Rev. Canon Claire Wade
Parish News
Garden showers us with blessings
With spring on the horizon, Cathy Pearson reflects on the joy that the garden at St. Stephen, Maple has brought to parishioners and members of ...

Written by
Cathy Pearson
This year, our Lenten journey can take on deeper meaning
I gaze out my living room picture window at a snowy landscape. The frigid scene seems to mirror my spirit. It has been a long ...

Written by
Murray MacAdam
I see a new heaven and a new earth
The Rev. Don Downer, OSE, was asked to speak on the healing of Creation by the Bishop’s Committee on Healing at a refresher day for the diocese’s ...

Written by
The Anglican
Parish websites offer inspiration, resources
Churches have responded to the pandemic with exciting worship innovation and adaptation. They have found new ways to maintain contact with congregants, to socialize and ...

Written by
Peter Misiaszek
Work underway on environment motion
This is an update to Synod and the diocese on the Environmental Synod Motion. It was received by Diocesan Council at its meeting in December, ...

Written by
The Anglican
Group working on affordable housing plan
This is an update on an affordable housing plan for the diocese. It was received by Diocesan Council at its December 2020 meeting. At the ...

Written by
The Anglican
Parish News
Church holds online teas for seniors
If this pandemic has taught us nothing else, it is how to do traditional events in a new way. St. Peter, Erindale has a longstanding ...

Written by
The Rev. Maria Nightingale
Many students feeling strain, financial hardship
The chapel at Trinity College is quiet these days – except for a few weeks in the fall, all services since March have been on ...

Written by
The Rev. Canon Andrea Budgey
We must do our part – together