Vigils bring light in challenging times

Group of people holding tapers, gathered around a table with a cross, lantern and candles.
Anglicans and United Church members hold a prayer vigil on the lawn of St. James, Sutton in November. Photo courtesy of the Parish of Georgina
 on December 30, 2024

Churches pray, reach out together

On a cold, damp November evening a small group of faithful community members met to pray for peace – peace in our community and peace in the world.

For 35 years, members of eight Sutton-area churches have met for ecumenical worship services up to four times a year. In the fall, part of the group, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, closed its doors, prompting us to make a more concerted effort to work together as our churches struggle to remain open. All of our churches cope with low attendance, increasing financial strain and aging congregations.

The world and the community are hurting. The number of individuals served at the Georgina Food Pantry has increased by 90 per cent since 2022. Rents and property taxes have skyrocketed. More people are living rough or in substandard housing every day. Recently, there has been an increase in violent crimes. Sutton needs God’s healing presence.

The Rev. Kristy Hunter, minister of the United Church, and myself, the deacon of the Parish of Georgina, met this past summer to discuss how we could further support one another’s ministries. We discovered that our congregations are deeply rooted in prayer, including long-running prayer chains.

Following the success of a joint prayer vigil in October 2023, at the outbreak of war in the Holy Land, we decided to offer monthly community prayer vigils on a variety of themes, beginning with food and housing insecurity, in October 2024. In addition to meeting to pray, participants collected mitts, hats and food to be distributed through community agencies.

The second prayer vigil, focusing on peace, was held in November. Toys were collected for the community’s local Christmas drive. The third prayer vigil, planned for Dec. 16, would focus on children and their rights.

The Community Candlelight Prayer Vigils are held the third Monday of the month on the greenspace of St. James, Sutton and are presented by Sutton’s local United churches (Knox United, Virginia United) and Anglican churches (St. James, St. George’s). Everyone is welcome.

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