April 2019

A graphic of a clock.


Workshops help parish leaders The diocese is holding half-day workshops for parish leaders, especially those new to their positions. The workshops are for churchwardens, deputy ...
Five adults sit in a circle and talk

Discipleship program making inroads

A discipleship program for lay leaders that was pioneered at Trinity Church, Aurora is starting to be used by other parishes in southern Ontario and ...
A large group of people gathers, one holding a large wooden cross

Justice walk turns 40

Toronto’s Ecumenical Good Friday Walk for Justice is celebrating its 40th anniversary. This year’s walk will be held on Good Friday, April 19, beginning at ...
Parents with a baby

Journey through Uganda

In his 1908 book, My African Journey, Winston Churchill dubbed Uganda the Pearl of Africa for its rugged natural beauty and fertile land. More than ...
People at the head of a long procession carry a banner that reads "shelter & housing justice network"

Memorial service fills church, spurs call for change

Nearly 150 people filled Holy Trinity, Trinity Square in Toronto on Feb. 12 to celebrate, mourn and honour eight individuals who died without a home ...
Bishop Andrew Asbil poses with a couple

Cricket was a great escape for me

Ranil Mendis is a member of the Anglican Church Cricket Festival’s organizing committee and a parishioner of St. Thomas a Becket, Erin Mills South. This ...
A pair of hands holds a mound of soil with a green sprout.

Observe a green Lent with these resources

Lent is traditionally a time for turning to God in self-examination and repentance. It is a time for adopting practices that draw us closer to ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Canterbury experience was remarkable

Programs for new bishops are sometimes referred to with some cheek as “Baby Bishops’ Schools.” Since my consecration, I have had the opportunity to attend ...

It’s time to find our gardening tools

Things tend to happen in the garden. Our story of faith begins in the garden. The garden was verdant, luscious, brimming with life. The soil, ...
A woman in winter parka stands in front of a ship in harbour

Mission to seafarers needs volunteers

The Mission to Seafarers Southern Ontario is sending out an SOS – for volunteers. As the shipping season prepares to get underway in late March ...
A group of women and girls, some in traditional dress, sing togethre


The diocese’s 24th annual black heritage service, ‘Journey into Light, Giving Thanks for Our Ordained Ministers,’ is held at St. Paul, Bloor Street on Feb. ...
The Anglican

Bishop to hold town hall meetings

Bishop Andrew Asbil is holding five town hall meetings in early May to hear from lay people in every episcopal area about their hopes, fears ...
A woman poses for a photo amid shelves of boxes

‘I’m grateful for a job I’ve loved’

Canon Mary-Anne Nicholls, the diocese’s first full-time Archivist, is retiring on March 31 after 35 ½ years of service. “It’s been great,” she says, looking ...