April 2016

The Anglican

Churches set fear aside, open hearts

The Rev. Matthew McMillan waded into the refugee sponsorship process at one of the busiest times of the year – Advent and Christmas. “I often ...
An open bible sitting on a rock.

Paul writes to the Romans

As we continue our dialogue with the epistles of Paul, we come to his longest and most important letter: the Epistle to the Romans. This ...

Group settles refugee family on short notice

“I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed ...

I fell in love with the liberation stories

The Rev. Jacqueline Daley is the part-time assistant curate at St. Hilary, Cooksville, Mississauga. I recently went to a local fundraiser to support TC3 (the ...

Grants to parishes total $4 million

Parishes in the diocese received just over $4 million in grants in 2015. Here is a list of the grants.   Area Resource Fund Grants ...
A notepad its on a desk near a pen, laptop and phone

Jesus is Lord

Paul sat down in his tiny cell after saying goodbye to his friend and marvelled at the irony of his present circumstance. He resented being ...
hands hold a candle next to a flyr that reads "talking about social justice"

Who are we to choose?

From a very young age, we are taught about “stranger danger” – fear and skepticism of the stranger, the other. They are unknown, unpredictable and ...

Times of discernment are difficult

A proposed change in the Canon on Marriage will come before our General Synod in July. Because statements from the gatherings of the Anglican Primates ...

Stars align for congregations

The Rev. Susan Climo was procrastinating over breakfast at a Cora’s restaurant in Mississauga when the Holy Spirit intervened. It would be the start of ...

Bishop Poole announces retirement

Bishop Philip Poole, suffragan bishop of the Diocese of Toronto and area bishop of York-Credit Valley, has announced his retirement. In a letter to the ...

Bishop Nicholls heading to Huron

The Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls, suffragan bishop of Toronto and area bishop of Trent-Durham, was elected coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Huron at St. ...
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