The Order of the Diocese of Toronto, an award created in 2013, honours members of the laity in the diocese who have given outstanding service over a significant period of time in their volunteer ministry. We give thanks to God for the work and witness of these faithful people who, in the exercise of their baptismal ministry, have demonstrated that “their light shines, their works glorify.” In 2020, the recipients came from the following deaneries: Parkdale/West Toronto, Peterborough, York Central, and York Mills. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the recipients were honoured online this year.
Eunice Blakeley, ODT
St. Matthew and St. Aidan, Buckhorn
Mrs. Blakeley was nominated by St. Matthew and St. Aidan, Buckhorn for exemplifying discipleship and humility through her care of others, dedication to ministry, and building relationships within the community. Providing critical leadership at important times in the parish, Eunice has served as churchwarden, pastoral visitor, secretary of parish council, coordinator of lectors, intercessors and scheduling, and has worked within the ACW and planned parish events. Daily prayer and scripture reading uphold Eunice in her faith journey.
Alison Bradshaw, ODT
Trinity, Streetsville
Mrs. Bradshaw was nominated by the Bishop for her active service since she and her family moved to Canada in 2004. With two small children in tow, Alison jumped into children’s ministry, supported parish stewardship campaigns, served as churchwarden, represented the parish at the diocese’s Synod, and led small groups with her husband and others. Her ongoing Christ-centered and sacrificial service to her parish and the diocese shine through as her children now take up roles of servitude in ministry.
Barbara Burling, ODT
St. Andrew, Alliston
Ms. Burling was nominated by the Bishop for her 55 years of exemplary leadership and service to the Church. Lending her professional background in business administration to support parish work, Barbara has held roles in a few parishes, including as churchwarden and recording secretary. When others hesitated, Barbara stepped up – inspiring others with her dedication, devotion, and thoughtful servant leadership. She now serves as a compassionate coach for the parish’s churchwardens’ team.
Jessica Carrington, ODT
Grace Church, Markham
Ms. Carrington was nominated by Grace Church, Markham for 36 years of joyful service and steadfast leadership within the Caribbean community. Jessica has served as chalice bearer, lector, chorister, event coordinator and organizer of Black history events and Caribbean dinner dances. She has held roles as president and board member with Barbadian organizations in Canada. As one who demonstrates faith in both word and action, Jessica is known for faith in God, shining as a light to the world.
John Carrington, ODT
Holy Trinity, Thornhill
Mr. Carrington was nominated by the Bishop for his lifelong dedication to the Church, utilizing his professional skill and leadership to serve. Passionate about congregational health and development and theological education, John has devoted his energies to National Church Development and Christian education for all ages. Youth group and Bible study leader, advisory board and former board member of World Vision Canada and Wycliffe College, John’s contributions are recognized at home and abroad.
May Chiu Kong, ODT
St. John, Willowdale
Mrs. Chiu Kong was nominated by St. John, Willowdale for her quarter-century service to build up parish life across different languages, cultures and traditions while introducing Anglican spirituality to the wider Christian community. As lay anointer, Cummer Lodge nursing home service leader, advisory board member and lay member of Synod, May shares her gifts of hospitality and bridge-building to make friends of all ages, encouraging young people to develop and contribute their talents to Church and society.
Geraldine Currier, ODT
St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough
Mrs. Currier was nominated by St. John the Evangelist, Peterborough for her selfless and unwavering commitment to the service of her community and parish. For 45 years, Gerri has looked after the physical and spiritual needs of neighbours, serving in every facet of parish life and ministry. Despite living beside the church and being able to walk, Gerri drives around town to collect people for worship – a beloved parishioner and a joy to serve alongside.
Catherine Dennison, ODT
St. Matthias, Bellwoods
Ms. Dennison was nominated by St. Matthias, Bellwoods for over 30 years of faithful service, having built the children’s worship program using her keen awareness of the needs of children. Catherine combined worship, prayer, scripture, ESL, intergenerational involvement, gardening, special events, food and fun – advocating for children and youth at every advisory board meeting. Feeding the parish (including the parish cat) with food and love, Catherine is the one whom young adults seek out when they return.
William Greenidge, ODT
St. Hilda, Fairbank
Mr. Greenidge was nominated by St. Hilda, Fairbank for over 50 years of service in various ministries, including rector’s churchwarden, board member of St. Hilda’s Towers & the Lewis Garnsworthy Residence, lay reader, eucharistic minister and lay anointer. William also serves as chairman of the advisory board, coordinator of Bible study and representative to Synod and deanery meetings. Respected in the parish and diocese, William is held with great affection by his parish.
Patrick David Greig, ODT
St. Mary Magdalene
Mr. Greig was nominated by St. Mary Magdalene for his lifelong service to the parish, fellow parishioners and the disadvantaged in society. Having served as churchwarden and long-standing envelop secretary, David has organized plant sales, art shows and fundraising campaigns to support outreach, refugee sponsorship and the annual FaithWorks appeal. Author of “In the Fullness of Time,” the parish’s history published for the 1980 centennial, David is the parish historian and a respected, generous and steady presence to all.
Sharon Hanns, ODT
St. Mary, Richmond Hill
Ms. Hanns was nominated by St. Mary, Richmond Hill to recognize her ceaseless dedication to her parish and the diocese. Sharon embodies the love of God – at the altar, amongst the vulnerable and those in need, and in the community through her service as churchwarden, selection committee chair, lay pastoral visitor and anointer, lay Synod member, chorister and chancel guild member. Sharon’s leadership during COVID-19 was the rock that kept parishioners yoked to Christ and allowed them to weather the storm.
John Huggins, ODT
St. Stephen in-the-Fields
Mr. Huggins was nominated by St. Stephen in-the-Fields for 65 years of deep commitment to the parish in good times and bad. Known to speak up for what he believes, especially in the face of opposition, John has worked to support those who are excluded or overlooked, combining administrative gifts and constant attention to detail with a deep vision of God’s kingdom of love and justice. John is a proud father of four, and his children have also made their mark on their communities.
Harold Ian Jones, ODT
Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale
Mr. Jones was nominated by Epiphany and St. Mark, Parkdale for his immeasurable contributions to the parish and community, spanning development of strategic budgetary plans and increased congregational tithing, clearing wildlife out of the attic, and teaching youth steel pan. Former director of Covenant House and a long-time resident and presence in the Parkdale neighbourhood, Ian may be found quietly polishing the brass for the Altar Guild every week, offering his time and talents without fanfare and with much grace.
Ronald Joshua, ODT
Ascension, Don Mills
Mr. Joshua was nominated by Ascension, Don Mills for dedication in serving the Lord Jesus Christ and his brothers and sisters. A humble man, unseeking of recognition, Ron has given his time and talent as churchwarden, auditor, Synod member, chair of the advisory board, the parish council, the nomination committee, the anniversary committee, the deacon discernment committee, and director and treasurer of the Don Mills Foundation for Senior Citizens, a long-term care facility founded by the parish to provide care and recreation for seniors.
Joan Kempadoo, ODT
St. John the Baptist, Oak Ridges
Mrs. Kempadoo was nominated by St. John the Baptist, Oak Ridges for her deep commitment to Jesus and her half-century of service in ministry, including Sunday School, Chancel Guild, ACW, advisory board and parish selection committee. Joan epitomizes St. John’s mission to “Make Jesus Known” and “Create Jesus-centered disciples everywhere.” Her love for others, passion for Jesus and sense of humour have empowered Joan to contribute to the changing worship styles of her parish.
Mark Kolberg, ODT
St. Martin in-the-Fields
Mr. Kolberg was nominated by St. Martin-in-the-Fields for his exceptional service for over 20 years as property manager for the century-old church building and rectory. Mark brings his professional expertise in civil engineering to this activity – the parish is in good hands! As a long-time resident in the parish community, Mark led a major renovation in 2003 that expanded and renewed the church, while improving accessibility and ministry for the needs of the neighbourhood.
Lorna Krawchuk, ODT
St. Cuthbert, Leaside
Ms. Krawchuk was nominated by the Bishop for her extensive work in the community, her parish, and the diocese. A churchwarden, youth group leader, choir member, ACW president, chair of the All Saints Church-Community Centre, and volunteer with Girl Guides for 35 years, Lorna has been generous with her gifts. Involved in the Don Watershed Regeneration Project, Leaside Property Owners, a Leaside Matters founding member and a Margaret Bahen Hospice board member, Lorna is active and always finding new ways to lend a hand!
Cecelia Laurel Martineau, ODT
St. Chad, Toronto
Ms. Martineau was nominated by St. Chad, including the Ahadi Ministry, for her service in time and resources as lay reader, chalice bearer, coordinator of community suppers and churchwarden. Laurel has implemented COVID-19 guidelines for the parish, and during normal times is the ever-present greeter and loves to prepare meals for 100 people at a time! A mature, prayerful Christian, well respected by fellow parishioners, Laurel embodies what a welcoming church community should look like.
Clarke Mayhew, ODT
St. Thomas, Millbrook
Mr. Mayhew was nominated by St. Thomas, Millbrook for 64 years of service to his parish and community. A seasoned multi-point parish specialist, Clarke has volunteered in every role possible, especially filling roles in services when priests were unavailable. Already a recipient of the Bishop’s Award for Faithful Service and the Queen’s Jubilee Medal for community service, Clarke continues to serve others with vitality and great care.
James Maynard, ODT
Christ Church, Woodbridge
Mr. Maynard has been nominated by the Bishop for his exemplary Christian witness and service to his church community, and diocese. A steadfast leader as churchwarden, teacher, cemetery board secretary treasurer and Bishop’s Company Dinner volunteer, Jamie has also co-chaired the parish’s outreach committee, helping to raise more than $70,000 for local and international projects. Lending his professional background as president of an insurance company, Jamie faithfully serves as parish treasurer and freely shares his knowledge to support other parishes in the diocese.
Reta June Money, ODT
Parish of North Essa – Christ Church – St. Jude, Ivy
Mrs. Money was nominated by the Bishop for modelling what it means to be a faithful servant of Jesus Christ through loving God and neighbour. For 55 years, June has served in every leadership capacity in her parish, lending her background as elementary school principal to serve with courage and generosity of spirit. June has become the beloved matriarch of her parish, and they are delighted to support this award for a lifetime of faithful service to God and His Church.
Judy North, ODT
St. Cyprian
Mrs. North was nominated by St. Cyprian for embodying the best of the parish in her quiet, unassuming manner, combined with fierce determination to serve and reach out in ministry. Never seeking accolade, Judy has given decades of service in visiting homebound parishioners and leading fundraising campaigns and outreach events to care for those who need help. Like an iceberg, most of her work is unseen but Judy’s tireless devotion is a bright light visible to all.
Richard O’Conor-Fenton, ODT
Parish of Campbellford, Hastings & Roseneath – St. James, Roseneath
Mr. O’Conor-Fenton was nominated by St. James, Roseneath for exemplary service as lay reader and for his outstanding volunteer ministry. Bible study leader and community outreach and seniors’ visitor, Richard also helped to engineer a music system for services to continue in the Civic Center after a fire destroyed the parish in 2019. Alongside his wife Allison, Richard enthusiastically travels around with the music system in the trunk, to reach out to people and provide spiritual leadership to the whole community.
David Paradis, ODT
St. Margaret, Barrie
Mr. Paradis was nominated by the Bishop for being a Diocesan Remote Tech Volunteer before such a category was invented near the beginning of the current pandemic. A self-taught “techie,” David mastered recorded online worship, and possesses the patience and ingenuity to teach others in clear and simple terms. David has consulted on most rural and small church Reach Grant applications for technology, logging more deployments than most volunteers see in a decade, with kindness and informed guidance that epitomizes Christian generosity.
Ryan Ramsden, ODT
Grace Church in Scarborough
Mr. Ramsden was nominated by the Bishop for his years of youthful leadership at Diocesan Council, the diocese’s Synod and General Synod. A gifted musician and ministry leader, Ryan uses his many talents to make LGBTQ-friendly Church on Tap a missional success at Christ Church, Deer Park. The glue that has made his own parish’s four-into-one amalgamation work, Ryan works tirelessly to support justice, outreach, and mission in our diocese.
James Rehill, ODT
Christ Church, Stouffville
Mr. Rehill was nominated by Christ Church, Stouffville for his 50 years of service as choir director and organist. In addition to leading the music ministry on a volunteer basis, Jim has been involved in local outreach, seniors’ ministry, leading the welcoming committee, and has become the unofficial parish historian. A beloved former high school teacher who annually gives an award in his name for sportsmanship, Jim continues to volunteer his time for the good of the community.
Louise Reid, ODT
St. Peter, Scarborough
Mrs. Reid was nominated by the Bishop for 41 years of service as a skilled embroider with the ACW Ecclesiastical Needlework Committee. Travelling on Mondays to the Diocesan Centre, Louise looks forward to creating beautiful pieces and to fellowship with the group. It is possible you have seen Louise’s handiwork in churches across Ontario and Quebec. At 92, after logging more than 8,500 hours, Louise cannot wait to get back to it, hopefully in 2021!
Margaret Reid, ODT
Nativity, Malvern
Ms. Reid was nominated by the Bishop for her faithful service in almost every volunteer role there is at her parish and in the diocese. Prayerful, effective and dedicated, Margaret is grounded in her love of the Lord. Margaret has given extraordinary service as a parish selection coach and Reach Grant panelist in the Bishop’s Diocesan Volunteer Corps and continues to serve as she mentors new volunteer coaches.
Joan Reid-Bicknell, ODT
Christ Church, Woodbridge
Mrs. Reid-Bicknell was nominated by Christ Church, Woodbridge for faithful service to the church community, locally and at the diocesan level. The variety of ministry positions Joan has held is broad, encompassing the complete spectrum of executive, administrative, social and music ministry within the parish. Joan is specially known for her dedication to worship at Christ Church where, as a second-generation organist and choir director, her leadership is appreciated by children and adults alike.
Malcolm Shiner, ODT
Holy Trinity, Thornhill
Mr. Shiner was nominated by Holy Trinity, Thornhill for fervent commitment to the life of the parish and creating fellowship through the use of drama. What sets Malcolm apart is the attitude and devotion he brings to all undertakings, from writing and directing seven plays to churchwarden to chair of the 190th anniversary committee. His lively laughter and endless energy make him a joy to work with. Being the best he can be, Malcolm brings out the best in everyone.
Geraldine Sperling, ODT
St. George on Yonge
Mrs. Sperling was nominated by St. George on Yonge for applying her treasure of talents to the church’s advantage, as a volunteer with the diocese’s Human Resources department, a Synod member, a churchwarden, the FaithWorks campaign chairperson, recording secretary and editor of weekly parish emails. In her spare time, Geraldine is the substitute organist, a lay reader, intercessor and a choir member. Now the consummate host of virtual coffee hour, Geraldine’s active participation is a strong example of putting faith to work.
Sheila Tait, ODT
St. Olave, Swansea
Ms. Tait was nominated by St. Olave, Swansea for her tireless contributions to the life of the parish. As property chairperson, Sheila overseas all matters, from roof installation to crumbling plaster to return to in-person worship trainer of volunteers in disinfecting protocols. She has served as churchwarden and member of the ACW. She has earned the affectionate moniker “Sheila the Great” by her parish family to describe the great affection in which she is held by all.
Marion Thompson, ODT
St. Mark, Port Hope
Mrs. Thompson was nominated by the Bishop for her decades-long service across the diocese and for representing the Diocese of Toronto at General Synod for three terms. With a diploma in Lay Ministry and contributing regularly to parish worship, Marion has been an active volunteer at St. Peter’s foodbank, Casey House AIDS Hospice, and St. Simon’s Out-of-the-Cold Program, and a Bridge Prison Ministry Board Member. Marion faithfully embodies Christ’s words to feed, care, welcome and visit friends and strangers alike.
May Webster, ODT
St. John, West Toronto
Mrs. Webster was nominated by St. John, West Toronto for her continued and unbroken service to the parish for 51 years. With a professional background in administration, May has lent her skill to organize people and resources that enable the church to function. Dedicated and committed to the church, the community and the clergy, May’s support is more than the parish could have ever asked for.
John Whincup, ODT
Redeemer, Bloor St.
Mr. Whincup was nominated by the Bishop for astute leadership in the diocese and in his parish. Taking up roles as chair of the board of management at Redeemer, chair of the Bishop’s Company dinner committee, lead consultant of the diocese’s strategic plan and director of the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation, John has a particular gift for helping communities articulate their dreams while staying grounded in reality. A person of vision and deep faith, John leads with a spirit of possibility.
In our music, God is glorified