Rummage sale takes ‘reuse, recycle’ to heart​

A map pointer with the image of a church
 on April 1, 2022

Almost a year ago, the whole world, it seemed, was missing routine. We missed our church family. We missed events that were reliable, comfortable and regular in our lives. Some of us missed our semi-annual rummage sale. A group of parishioners at Christ Church, Deer Park came together on Zoom, of course.

Rummage sales have always had a significant role in the life of the church. Not only does a sale draw the neighbouring community in to the building, but it provides a weekly connection for the volunteers who run the rummage sale. Some who live alone don’t see other people from one sorting day to the next. For those who give less financially, their contribution of time and care is helpful to the operation of the church. Those with great organizational and creative skills contribute and shape the sale.

On April 23, Christ Church will highlight the “reuse, recycle” focus of Earth Week by doing just that ± providing an opportunity for good clothing, shoes, costume jewellery and accessories to be purchased and reused and recycled. The sale will be held from 9:30 a.m. to noon. The church is located at 1570 Yonge Street in Toronto, one stoplight north of St. Clair Avenue.

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