The Nominating Committee of the Diocese of Toronto is calling for nominations for General Synod 2022. All voting members of the diocese’s Synod are entitled to make nominations of any voting members of Synod. The election will take place at the diocese’s virtual Synod on Nov. 26-27.
General Synod meets every three years, and the term of office for a member is three years. The term of office will begin at the next session of General Synod in 2022.
The 43rd session of the General Synod will take place during the Assembly with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC). Assembly takes place from July 13-17, 2022 with ELCIC departing the morning of July 16 and members of General Synod continuing with business until the end of the day on July 17. During the Assembly, the two governing bodies will meet both together and separately.
Nominees to General Synod will be required to remain a member of the Diocese of Toronto’s Synod for the duration of their term of office. They must be willing and able to attend all meetings of General Synod and willing to serve on a sub-committee or working group should they be asked or elected to do so. Expenses incurred are covered according to diocesan policy.
The Nominating Committee is requesting that nominations be submitted by Sept. 8, 2021 at 12 noon to the Secretary of Synod. Nominations must be submitted using the Nomination Form. For further information, contact Pamela Boisvert, Secretary of Synod, 416-363-6021 ext. 231 (1-800-668-8932).
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