A provocative collection of art on display in Brampton during November challenged viewers to rethink their assumptions about crime and justice. “Art From the Inside Out” featured drawings, paintings, sculptures, poetry, prose and Christmas tree ornaments collected by The Bridge Prison Ministry from more than 40 inmates and former inmates. Several pieces were created with unusual supplies such as table cloths and bedsheets, because prisoners often have limited access to art supplies.
“The artwork is very poignant and the artists are very talented – surprisingly so to most people but not to people in jail,” says Garry Glowacki, executive-director of The Bridge.
The exhibit, which was hosted by Beaux-Arts Brampton, culminated in a reception on Nov. 24 to celebrate Restorative Justice Week in Brampton. The event featured speakers and displays emphasizing the need to walk alongside prisoners and ex-prisoners to repair the damage caused by crime.
Proceeds from “Art From the Inside Out” will help fund The Bridge’s prison art program. A video of the exhibit is posted on The Bridge’s website, www.thebridgeprisonministry.com.
The Bridge, a recipient of FaithWorks funding, has worked for more than 40 years to “create a bridge between correctional institutions and the street,” says Mr. Glowacki. “Our long-standing programs have enabled countless numbers of offenders, adults and youths, to successfully and safely reintegrate back into the community, regaining their liv
es by becoming contributing members of society and, most importantly, no longer posing a threat to the community at large.”
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