The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada will hold its annual conference July 16-19 on the campus of McGill University in Montreal. This year’s theme, “Land, Language, and Liberation,” offers an opportunity to explore how to celebrate, praise God, and live into the Church’s mission in light of the challenges in the world today. Both in-person and online registrations are available.
The conference will include many opportunities for learning, connecting, celebrating and singing. Anyone who believes in the importance of congregational song is welcome to register for the full conference. Advance registration rates are available through June 15. For more information or to register, visit
Founded in 1922, The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada is an ecumenical organization of people who are passionate about hymns and congregational song. The Hymn Society community, open to all, is made up of scholars, church musicians, poets, composers, choir directors, choir members, clergy, worship planners, song leaders, music publishers, music educators, and people who love to sing. The society believes that the act of singing together shapes faith, heals brokenness, transforms lives, and renews peace. Its mission is to encourage, promote, and enliven congregational song.
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