Grants to parishes total $4 million

Parishioners, bishops, local clergy and politicians gather at St. Elizabeth, Mississauga last June for the start of the church’s expansion project. The church received a $300,000 grant from the diocese’s Ministry Allocation Fund to increase its meeting and worship space.
 on April 1, 2016

Parishes in the diocese received just over $4 million in grants in 2015. Here is a list of the grants.


Area Resource Fund Grants

Trent-Durham, Ascension, Port Perry 5,000
Trent-Durham, St. George, Pickering Village 900
Trent-Durham, St. John, Peterborough 662
York-Credit Valley, Good Shepherd, Mount Dennis 1,000
York-Credit Valley, Holy Cross Priory 1,016
York-Credit Valley, St. John, Weston 3,400
York-Credit Valley, St. Mary & St. Martha 5,000
York-Scarborough, St. David, Donlands 10,000
York-Scarborough, San Lorenzo, Ruiz 600
York-Simcoe, Christ Church, Waubaushene 2,000
York-Simcoe, St. Margaret, Barrie 10,000

TOTAL $ 39,578


Baker Fund Grants

Trent-Durham, St. James, Fenelon Falls 4,750
Trent-Durham, St. Paul, Lindsay 2,424
Trent-Durham, St. Paul, Minden 2,050
York-Scarborough, St. Bede 4,000
York-Scarborough, St. Nicholas, Birch Cliff 22,730
York-Scarborough, St. Peter, Carlton 10,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Philip, Etobicoke 25,000
York-Simcoe, Prince of Peace, Wasaga Beach 750

TOTAL $ 71,704


Carleton Fund Grants

Trent-Durham, St. Paul, Brighton 1,140
Trent-Durham, St. Peter, Oshawa 4,225
Trent-Durham, St. Thomas, Brooklin 7,035
York-Credit Valley, Christ the King 10,000
York-Credit Valley, Church of South India 8,000
York-Credit Valley, St. James the Apostle, Brampton 7,300
York-Credit Valley, St. Mary Magdalene 12,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Matthew, Islington 12,000
York-Simcoe, Parish of Churchill & Cookstown 7,000
York-Simcoe, Parish of Craighurst & Midhurst 1,808
York-Simcoe, St. John, East Orangeville 5,000

TOTAL $ 75,508


Curacy Grants

York-Credit Valley, All Saints, Kingsway 7,500
York-Credit Valley, Epiphany & St. Mark, Parkdale 30,000*
York-Credit Valley, St. Bride, Clarkson 7,000
York-Credit Valley, St. George on-the-Hill 25,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Hilary, Cooksville 14,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Martin in-the-Fields 12,800
York-Scarborough, Christ Church, Deer Park 40,000*
York-Scarborough, Grace Church on-the-Hill *30,000
York-Scarborough, Redeemer, Bloor Street 10,000
York-Scarborough, San Lorenzo, Ruiz 10,000
York-Scarborough, St. Andrew, Scarborough 25,000
York-Scarborough, St. Cuthbert, Leaside 40,000*
York-Scarborough, St. George on Yonge 25,000
York-Scarborough, St. James Cathedral 40,000*
York-Scarborough, St. John, York Mills 40,000*
York-Scarborough, St. Jude, Wexford 30,000

TOTAL $ 386,300


Ministry Allocation Fund Grants

Congregational Growth

Trent-Durham, St. Peter, Cobourg 46,000
York-Scarborough, Transfiguration 213,815
York-Simcoe, Maple Church Plant 132,051

Subtotal $ 391,866


Mandarin Ministry

York-Scarborough, St. James Cathedral 30,000
York-Simcoe, St. Philip on-the-Hill 60,000

Subtotal $ 90,000


New or Innovative Forms of Ministry

Youth Ministry Apprenticeship Program 60,500

Subtotal $ 60,500


Reach Grants

Trent-Durham, Christ Memorial, Oshawa 3,600
Trent-Durham, St. Barnabas, Peterborough 4,700
Trent-Durham, St. John, Whitby 3,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Mary Magdalene 3,535
York-Credit Valley, Area Council – Kenyan Ministry 5,500
York-Scarborough, St. Bartholomew 5,132
York-Scarborough, St. Matthew, First Avenue 3,300

Subtotal $ 28,767


Real Estate

York-Credit Valley, St. Elizabeth, Mississauga 300,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Philip, Etobicoke 1,100,000

Subtotal $ 1,400,000


Stretch Grants

York-Credit Valley, St. Philip, Etobicoke 5,430
York-Scarborough, St. Nicholas, Birch Cliff 20,000

Subtotal $ 25,430

TOTAL $ 1,996,563


Ministry Development Grants

Trent-Durham, Ascension, Port Perry 11,000
Trent-Durham, Parish of Belmont 3,000
Trent-Durham, St. John, Blackstock 3,000
Trent-Durham, St. Peter, Cobourg 7,000
Trent-Durham, Victoria Haliburton Deanery 13,250
York-Credit Valley, All Saints, Kingsway 1,000
York-Credit Valley, Christ Church St. James 2,500
York-Credit Valley, San Lorenzo, Dufferin 10,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Elizabeth, Mississauga 1,500
York-Credit Valley, St. Hugh & St. Edmund 750
York-Credit Valley, St. Joseph of Nazareth 2,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Martin in-the-Fields 800
York-Credit Valley, St. Mary Magdalene 800
York-Credit Valley, St. Michael and All Angels 5,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Peter, Erindale 500
York-Credit Valley, St. Philip, Etobicoke 3,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Stephen in-the-Fields 250
York-Credit Valley, St. Stephen, Downsview 5,000
York-Scarborough, Our Saviour 250
York-Scarborough, St. James Cathedral 10,000
York-Scarborough, St. John, Willowdale 8,000
York-Scarborough, St. John, York Mills 4,000
York-Scarborough, St. Matthew, First Avenue 10,000
York-Scarborough, St. Peter, Carlton Street 7,000
York –Simcoe, Emmanuel, Richvale 5,000
York –Simcoe, Huronia Cluster Ministry 18,000
York –Simcoe, Parish of Lloydtown 17,000
York –Simcoe, St. Margaret, Barrie 15,000
York –Simcoe, St. Paul, Keswick 15,000
York –Simcoe, St. Paul, Newmarket 10,000

TOTAL $ 189,600


Our Faith-Our Hope: Re-Imagine Church

Communicating in a Wireless World

Trent-Durham, St. George, Grafton 12,000
Trent-Durham, St. Paul, Brighton 12,800
Trent-Durham, St. Thomas, Brooklin 23,052
York-Credit Valley, All Saints, Kingsway 50,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Joseph of Nazareth, Bramalea 20,000
York-Credit Valley, St. Thomas a Becket 30,000
York-Scarborough, St. Bede 13,500
York-Scarborough, St. Matthew the Apostle, Oriole 25,000
York-Scarborough, St. Saviour, Toronto 8,475
York-Simcoe, Grace Church, Markham 25,000
York-Simcoe, Huronia Cluster Ministry 5,000
York-Simcoe, St. Andrew, Alliston 30,000
York-Simcoe, St. Mark, Midland 27,015
York-Simcoe, St. Paul, Innisfil 22,750

Subtotal $ 304,592


Pioneering Ministry

York-Scarborough, St. Paul, L’Amoureux 60,000
York-Scarborough, Sisterhood of St. John the Divine 100,000

Subtotal $ 160,000


Revitalizing Our Inheritance – Enabling Parishes to Become Multi-Staffed

York-Credit Valley, Holy Family, Heart Lake & St. Joseph of Nazareth, Bramalea 32,800
York-Credit Valley, St. Elizabeth, Mississauga 75,000

Subtotal $ 107,800


Revitalizing Our Inheritance – Adaptive Reuse of Parish Facilities

Trent-Durham, St. George Memorial, Oshawa 35,000
Trent-Durham, St. George, Grafton 145,000
Trent-Durham, St. Paul, Minden 257,640
York-Credit Valley, St. Anne, Toronto 225,000
York-Scarborough, St. Andrew, Scarborough 40,000

Subtotal $ 702,640


TOTAL $ 1,275,032

GRAND TOTAL $ 4,034,285


*From the York Rectors Fund.


Grant definitions

Area Resource Fund Grants are available to address ministry needs. Grants are considered by the area bishop and Area Council. Baker Foundation Grants are for the building of or additions to existing Sunday Schools.

Carleton Fund Grants are for repairs or renovations to rectories occupied by clergy.

Curacy Grants support curacies in parishes.

Ministry Allocation Fund Grants are provided for real estate purposes, congregational growth and ministry resources and creating new forms of ministry.

Ministry Development Grants, part of the episcopal area budgets, are for projects and programs that will promote growth in faith and collaboration among area Anglicans to help equip the saints for ministry.

Our Faith-Our Hope: Re-Imagine Church Grants provide financial resources to renew, reimagine, and revitalize the church of tomorrow.

For more information on these and other grants, visit the diocese’s website, and search for “grants and funding.”

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