Gillian Doucet Campbell describes herself as “the sort who likes to be useful.” When she saw the opportunity to be useful to a cause she loves, she jumped at the chance to help.
Ms. Doucet Campbell is the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation’s new major and legacy giving officer, a position shared with the Anglican Church of Canada. She started on June 8 and will split her time evenly between the foundation and the national church.
“A legacy giving officer enables people to express their passion for a cause through their finances,” says Ms. Doucet Campbell. This can include encouraging and helping donors with bequests in their wills, gifts of stock or securities, major cash gifts or endowments.
The Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation provides financial support for the diocese and its parishes. “Basically, we’re developing the hope of the future, that the ministries of the diocese will remain vibrant and active,” she says.
“Gillian comes on board as the first staff position for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation,” says Peter Misiaszek, director of Stewardship Development for the diocese. “It’s our hope that with her addition, we will be able to increase the profile of the foundation, actively and energetically promote legacy giving and encourage donors across the diocese to support their parishes with legacy giving.”
Ms. Doucet Campbell began her career as a therapist, but she soon realized her skills were pulling her in a different direction. “I have always been strong administratively and enjoy connecting with people and hearing their story. All these skills translated very well into fundraising,” she says.
In addition to a Master’s degree in counselling psychology, Ms. Doucet Campbell has completed a graduate certificate in fundraising and resource development. She has worked in fundraising “intentionally” for five years, and as part of other positions for several years before.
While fundraising comes with many joys and challenges, Ms. Doucet Campbell says she is most looking forward to “meeting people and learning how I can help them realize their financial giving goals.”
Meanwhile, Ms. Doucet Campbell continues to enjoy the opportunity to unite her skill for fundraising with her passion for the church. “Being Anglican, I simply want to be of service where my head and heart are,” she says. “I also want to be an example for my own children by supporting the important work of the church, using the skills and talents I have been given and enjoy using.”
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