Members of the Diocese of Toronto may want to learn a little Portuguese over the coming six years, and this is a great phrase to start with: “Parceiros em Cristo, unidos na missão.” It means “Partners in Christ, united in mission,” and you’ll see it on the new logo for the partnership between the Diocese of Toronto and the Diocese of Brasilia – a relationship that officially commenced in June 2024 and will continue until spring 2031. It perfectly describes what we hope will be a true companionship between Anglicans in two different parts of the world, sibling members of the family of the Anglican Communion.
Together with his wife Mary, Bishop Andrew Asbil visited the Cathedral Da Ressurreicao in the capital city of Brasilia last June, and with great joy in the context of the Eucharist signed the companionship covenant and agreement with Bishop Mauricio Andrade. Together the two bishops planted a ceremonial tree in the cathedral garden in honour of this growing friendship.
Since that time, a small group of clergy and laypeople from both dioceses has been meeting online monthly to discuss how we can deepen the relationship and learn from each other as we engage in mission in our own contexts. Meetings are held in both languages – English and Portuguese – and are framed in prayer. The co-chairs, the Rev. Canon Maurice Francois from Toronto and the Rev. Dr. Rodrigo Espiuca from Brasilia, translate the conversations for the other members of the committee, and minutes and other materials are produced in both languages.
The Toronto members, including Bishop Asbil, the Rev. Pam Trondson, Maria Clara de Sena, Dave Kraus and me, participate in planning for future events, develop communication strategies and engage in dedicated conversations around a subject of mutual learning. In October, for example, both dioceses took time to describe their organizational and governance structures, including their staffing complements and departments. In December, Elin Goulden, Toronto’s social justice and advocacy consultant, and Dr. Espiuca, who works in advocacy, human and environmental rights for the Diocese of Brasilia, described their various social justice initiatives. Both noted the congruencies in their work. In the coming months, the committee looks forward to bringing together more pairs of ministry partners, such as youth leaders, to discuss areas of common interest and concern, as well as opportunities for cooperation.
There are several exciting joint initiatives being planned for 2025. The first is an online theology day for clergy and lay theologians on March 25, when the Rev. Dr. Christopher Brittain from Trinity College, Toronto and Dr. Paulo Ueti, a Brazilian theologian, will discuss liberation theology in a simultaneous-translation Zoom call. Later this year we hope to facilitate a pulpit exchange visit of the two deans so that St. James Cathedral can welcome the Very Rev. Tatiana Ribeiro to Toronto, and Dean Stephen Hance can preach in Brasilia. In September, we plan to welcome a small delegation of Brasilian youth to visit around our diocese and participate in the ReCharge Youth Retreat at Muskoka Woods. We hope that they teach our youth to Samba! We are also looking ahead to sending a delegation from our own diocese to visit Brasilia in 2026. In the meantime, the technology exists for us to virtually “attend” parts of each other’s Synods – Brasilia’s is in June and ours is in November.
As we get to know each other better, you will start to see very short videos on social media describing parishes and ministries in both dioceses. Bishop Andrew and Bishop Mauricio have already started sending happy greetings with subtitled translations to the other’s diocese, which you can view on Facebook and Instagram. If you too would like to take a short, simple video greeting on your cell phone, maybe of your congregation (maybe outside in the snow?) or to show an interesting ministry or outreach project, please feel free to send your clip to our Communications department at [email protected], and they’ll take care of adding the translations.
In April, you will see Bishop Mauricio Andrade and the clergy and parishes of the Diocese of Brasilia listed by name in our diocesan cycle of prayer. The Diocese of Brasilia will be praying for us also. But we hope that you remember this new and growing relationship in your intercessions all year long. Please add the Diocese of Brasilia to your prayer list. And here is a prayer that was crafted by the companionship committee that we all can use – and practice our Portuguese!
Prayer of Christian Solidarity
God of communion, we praise You for the solidarity that unites clergy and laity in the Dioceses of Brasília and Toronto. Fill us with Your Spirit of unity, that we may work together in harmony and love. May the sharing of our gifts strengthen the mission You have entrusted to us, proclaiming Your hope to the world. Guide us in each step, that our unity may be a living testimony of Your transforming grace. In the name of Jesus, our Lord. Amen.
Solidariedade Cristã
Deus de comunhão, Te louvamos pela solidariedade que une clero e laicato nas Dioceses de Brasília e de Toronto. Enche-nos com Teu Espírito de unidade, para que trabalhemos juntos em harmonia e amor. Que a partilha de nossos dons fortaleça a missão que nos confiaste, proclamando a Tua esperança ao mundo. Guia-nos em cada passo, para que nossa união seja um testemunho vivo da Tua graça transformadora. Em nome de Jesus, nosso Senhor. Amém.
Paul preaches in Europe