Members of St. Peter, Erindale and the surrounding community pitched in on Nov. 4 to give a young couple of the parish the wedding of their dreams.

While preparing the couple for the baptism of their baby, the Rev. Canon Jennifer Reid learned that they weren’t married because they couldn’t afford a wedding. When asked what sort of wedding they wanted, they said a small, simple one with 10-15 people present.
Canon Reid felt the church might be able to help. She offered to marry the couple during the baptism service, which was planned for 9:15 a.m. on Sunday, between the 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. services. After a night to think about it, the couple said they’d love to do it.
A number of parishioners volunteered their time and talents for the wedding. One parishioner served as the Master of Ceremonies for the reception afterwards, while another parishioner baked the cake. Parishioners decorated the church, brought punch and champagne and even booked a room for the couple at a local inn with dinner and breakfast included. A local hairdresser did the bride’s hair in the church before the service. Children from the church school created a flower arch for the bride as she walked down the aisle.
Not only was their baby baptized, but so was the husband-to-be. Then they were married, with a small reception in the church hall afterwards. “It was the whole community coming together to lift up this young couple,” says Canon Reid. “It was a gift of community.”
Doubt can lead to action