Synod endorses vision, calls

Image of overlapping fish with a cross in the middle, labelled "Good new of Jesus Christ." The four fish are labelled "Renewing spirituality," "inspiring faith in action," "transforming diocesan culture" and "reimagining ministry."
Graphic shows the five elements of Cast the Net’s vision. They are accompanied by calls to all parts of the diocese. Graphic by Anders Carlen.
 on January 2, 2024

Synod endorsed Cast the Net’s vision and 20 calls to all parts of the diocese. The vision and calls will help guide the diocese as it seeks to meet the challenges and opportunities of the next five years. The vision comprises five elements. At the centre is the Good News of Jesus Christ. The four other elements are Renewing Spirituality, Inspiring Faith in Action, Transforming Diocesan Culture and Reimagining Ministry. Each is accompanied by a “we” statement and related calls to the diocese. The vision and calls can be summed up in the following imperative sentence: “Followers of Jesus, inspired by the Holy Spirit, serve the world God loves!”


The Good News of Jesus Christ

We are disciples of Jesus Christ, whose Good News is the joy and challenge at the heart of our common life.


Renewing Spirituality

We are renewed daily in our spiritual lives and share our faith with others. In that spirit, all parts of the Diocese of Toronto are called to:

  1. Enter into a Season of Spiritual Renewal to deepen personal and collective discipleship.
  2. Reinvigorate and recommit to children’s, youth, family and intergenerational ministries.
  3. Share and use resources to enliven worship, faith formation, spiritual practice and evangelism.


Inspiring Faith in Action

We seek justice for all, walk alongside those in need, and respond with loving service and prophetic advocacy. In that spirit, all parts of the diocese are called to:

  1. Recognize and act on opportunities to participate in God’s healing work in the world.
  2. Make explicit connections between following Jesus and working for justice and peace.
  3. Strengthen Indigenous ministry; engage non-Indigenous Anglicans in reconciliation work.
  4. Take, sustain and communicate actions that promote diversity, equity, inclusion and anti-racism.
  5. Intensify advocacy and action in response to the climate crisis.


Reimagining Ministry 

We support and encourage faithful and fruitful ministry by all who serve the life of the church. In that spirit, all parts of the diocese are called to:

  1. Actively embrace collaboration among congregations and innovation in new forms of ministry.
  2. Better reflect the diversity of our communities in both congregations and clergy.
  3. Understand the changing needs of lay leaders in congregations and support them in their work.
  4. Continue and enhance support for all ordained people.
  5. Enable and celebrate the work of ministries focused on service in the world.
  6. Rethink clergy discernment, formation, and deployment for the church of the future.
  7. Introduce and use new ways to measure and nurture congregational health and effectiveness.


Transforming Diocesan Culture

We live and work as the Body of Christ, each member connected to the whole, and each valued for their unique gifts. In that spirit, all parts of the diocese are called to:

  1. Cultivate an understanding of the diocese as a dynamic net of shared relationships.
  2. Continue assessing recent diocesan leadership changes and adjust as necessary.
  3. Adopt an integrated, theologically informed approach to property management.
  4. Ensure follow-through on this report, including implementation methods and metrics.
  5. Invest in the vision with existing and new resources, using sound Christian stewardship principles.


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