Proud Anglicans

Anglicans march in Toronto Pride behind a banner "PROUD ANGLICANS"
 on September 1, 2022
Michael Hudson

Anglicans walk and ride in Toronto’s Pride Parade on June 26 after a two-year, pandemic-induced hiatus. Tens of thousands of people lined the parade route along Bloor and Yonge streets. About 100 Anglicans from across the diocese took part in the parade. Bishop Julio Martin of the Diocese of South-East Mexico joined them and also walked with trans Anglicans in the Trans March on June 24.

Walkers cool off with water in front of St. Paul, Bloor Street as they wait to join the parade.
Walkers cool off with water in front of St. Paul, Bloor Street as they wait to join the parade.
TTC Bus with Proud Anglicans banner over the front
An electric bus is a float in the parade, transporting Anglicans who have limited mobility.
Woman holding a rainbow poster
A St. Margaret, Barrie parishioner shows her colours.
Banner in Progress Pride colours that says "YOU ARE LOVED"
A banner says it all.
Man with rainbow coloured hat celebrates in front of a rainbow banner
Ryan Ramsden, ODT, of Grace Church, Scarborough enjoys the moment.
Members of St. Peter, Oshawa proudly display their banner.
Members of St. Peter, Oshawa proudly display their banner.
The Rev. Jeff Nowers of St. Aidan, Toronto with friends and family.
The Rev. Jeff Nowers of St. Aidan, Toronto with friends and family.
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