Michael Cassabon is the new manager of major gifts and legacy giving for the Anglican Diocese of Toronto Foundation, which provides financial support for the diocese and its parishes.
Mr. Cassabon, who started on Sept. 5, sees his role as one of building relationships and getting people excited about the mission and ministry of the diocese. “The more enthusiastic we can all be, the more we can get engaged. That doesn’t mean just giving money; that means engaging our whole selves, our time, our talent, our treasure, the gifts that God has given us to build up the reign of God in our local community,” he says. “That’s what the Gospel calls us to.”
He brings experience in fundraising from his background in the Roman Catholic Church. As a parish priest for 10 years, he spent much of his ministry in South Carolina, where he helped his diocese open schools and churches to meet the needs of a growing Catholic population. He moved to Toronto in 2016 and worships at St. James Cathedral.
As he gets to know the diocese, Mr. Cassabon says he is looking forward to meeting local clergy and lay leaders. “We’re here to support what they’re doing and to help other parishes collaborate with one another,” he says. “We know that none of us are in this alone.”
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