FaithWorks campaign keeps ministries funded

 on February 1, 2024

FaithWorks raised $1,482,700 last year, ensuring that thousands of people will be cared for in the diocese, across Canada and around the world.

Although the diocese’s outreach campaign fell just short of its $1.5 million target, it raised enough to fulfil its funding obligations to its ministry partners, says Peter Misiaszek, the diocese’s director of Stewardship Development.

“More important than reaching the goal is being able to fund the ministries at the level they need, and once again we’ve done that,” he says.

FaithWorks funds 16 Anglican-affiliated ministries that serve the needs of people who are Indigenous, homeless, hungry, at-risk women, children, youth, immigrants, refugees or those struggling with HIV/AIDS. Since its inception in 1997, the annual campaign has raised about $40 million.

Bishop Andrew Asbil says the level of commitment and generosity shown by Anglicans across the diocese is wonderful and inspiring. “I am deeply grateful to all who donated in 2023 from the pews, from small and large parishes – rural, suburban and urban – and from communities and individuals who have given so much. I am also grateful to all the agencies that have served so faithfully.”

About 88 per cent of parishes in the diocese participated in last year’s campaign, giving a total of $835,700. Of this amount, $174,000 was given by parishioners through direct mail solicitation or online giving.

Many parishes once again showed exceptional generosity. St. Christopher in Richmond Hill raised nearly $40,000 for the campaign through its annual Ping Pong Rally. St. Barnabas, Chester gave a gift of $20,000 out of a bequest it received.

The campaign also received a boost through a “challenge grant,” whereby every dollar given was matched by an anonymous donor, up to $100,000.

Corporations and foundations gave $474,000, a slight increase from 2022. The campaign also benefitted from high interest rates, receiving $48,000 in interest, enough to fund one of its ministry partners.

Mr. Misiaszek says he is grateful to all those who took part in the appeal. “I am humbled by the fact that so many people, whether they’re in parishes or as individuals, corporations or foundations, are making a place for FaithWorks in their hearts, and are committing, not only as volunteers but as donors, to support the important ministry that is taking place.”

He praised Peter Mentis, the FaithWorks campaign manager, for his efforts. “Peter’s commitment to working with our parishes, his preaching and the production of our online newsletter, Faithlines, has had a tremendous impact. He continues to serve us well by presenting the face of FaithWorks across our diocese.”

The 2024 campaign goal is $1.5 million and Mr. Misiaszek hopes every parish in the diocese will participate. “As good as last year was, I’d really love to see every parish get involved in this year’s campaign.”


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