Bishop Andrew and Mary Asbil travelled to the Diocese of Brasilia in June. While there, Bishop Asbil and Bishop Mauricio Andrade signed a covenant that brings the Diocese of Toronto and the Diocese of Brasilia into a companion relationship. Brasilia is the capital city of Brazil.
“We were welcomed by Bishop Mauricio Andrade, his wife Sandra, members of the diocesan team, clergy and people with open hearts, joy, deep hospitality and warmth,” wrote Bishop Asbil in a letter to the diocese after the trip. “We toured the city and visited churches and a social service center for children. We shared visions and experiences of ministry in our unique contexts. We feasted on Feijoada (pronounced “faysh-ju-ada”), which literally means big bean stew. And we danced the samba. As Bishop Mauricio said, we work together, we pray together, we dance together. And dance we did, all afternoon.
“On Sunday morning, we gathered in the Cathedral Church of the Resurrection. The church was full of joy and anticipation. Following the exchange of the peace, Bishop Mauricio and I signed the covenant that brings our two dioceses into a new companion relationship. We pledge to walk together, pray together, support each other in ministry and mission, share in our abundance, and yes, to dance with the Holy Spirit together.”
The Diocese of Brasilia is one of nine dioceses and a missionary district in the Anglican Episcopal Church of Brazil. Located in central Brazil, its mission is “to be a missionary church, instruments in announcing and witnessing to the Kingdom of God through example and words; to live in diversity and inclusiveness in our way of being Anglican, becoming part of the social, cultural context of our communities.”
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