Cast the Net’s final report, along with a handy discussion guide and an attractive poster, is available on the diocese’s website,
The 96-page report includes the Diocese of Toronto’s new vision statement and 20 Calls to the diocese, both of which were endorsed unanimously by Synod in November 2023.
The new vision statement is “Followers of Jesus, inspired by the Holy Spirit, serve the world God loves!” and the 20 Calls are grouped into four areas: renewing spirituality, inspiring faith in action, reimagining ministry and transforming diocesan culture.

The report, designed and illustrated in an eye-catching format, tells the story of Cast the Net’s origin and the inspiration behind the strategic visioning process that the diocese has been involved in for the past two years. The document provides an in-depth look at what Anglicans in the diocese are thinking, feeling and hoping for as the Church emerges from the pandemic years.
The report is a response by the Cast the Net steering committee to everything it had heard during more than a year of intensive consultations with over 1,000 clergy and laity in the diocese.
A discussion guide has been created to help Anglicans engage with the report, the new vision and the 20 Calls. The guide includes a letter by Bishop Andrew Asbil and questions designed to spark conversations and decisions.
“We hope the questions here will seed discussions and decisions in advisory boards, parish councils and other church groups as each parish and parishioner considers which of the Calls they will take up and make their own,” writes Canon Janet Marshall, director of Congregational Development, in the guide.
The guide encourages Anglicans to focus on a Call or Calls that best support and inspire their parish’s ministry and mission. “Choose what best fits your congregation at this time,” writes Canon Marshall. “You can always review the Calls again in the future while listening for where God is leading you next.”
In his letter in the guide, Bishop Asbil says the 20 Calls are the result of many hours of thoughtful, prayerful discernment. “We believe that the Holy Spirit has led us to this point, and we are excited for the next step in our journey,” he writes. “These 20 Calls are both aspirational and challenging. They reflect who we believe we are being called to be by the Holy Spirit.”
The 20 Calls are featured in a poster designed for parish bulletin boards and other areas of high visibility. The poster can be printed in either colour or black and white.
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